Volunteer and Team Building | EVM-1053

Volunteers are integral and invaluable in driving a successful event production. This course will discuss the human resources role of the volunteer coordinator, including managing, motivating, planning, recruiting, training, scheduling and evaluating volunteers. Leadership and team building exercises will also be explored. This course will examine “What’s in it for me” (WIIFM).

Host Course Code: CL-EVNT705
Host Course Name: Volunteer and Team Building


The required text for this course can be found by going to textnet.ca, clicking on the "Browse by course" drop-down list and scroll to Volunteer and Team Building.

Please Note: Students are not required to purchase textbooks from textnet.ca. However, if students are purchasing textbooks from another source, they must ensure purchased textbooks are the correct edition and include any applicable software or add-ons.

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