
Hire a Student

Employers who take on co-op students, offer placements, and provide internship opportunities add an incredible amount of value to the overall experience of a college student.

By partnering with Lambton College, employers are investing in a future workforce and ensuring that our graduates are fully ready for the careers they wish to pursue.

Co-op Placements

The Co-op & Career Services department works closely with employers by playing an active role in assisting co-op employers with several recruitment strategies, including:

Determining your needs

Employers can work directly with our job developer to discuss hiring needs, learn about our various co-op programs, and discuss your options to ensure your hiring needs are met.

Preparing job descriptions

Our job developer can guide you through the job posting process. This includes determining programs of interest, position requirements, and ensuring all job posting details are included, such as application method, posting deadline, and any information that will help you find the best candidate for your position.

Approving and posting positions

All co-op and career postings will be reviewed by our job developer prior to approval. This process ensures the required information is provided, postings meet our co-op policies, and all relevant and desired programs are targeted to attract the right students for the positions.

Contact Us

Co-op & Career Services



Room C2-201

Hear from our Clients

See what other employers and students say about their work integrated learning experiences.

Co-op Partners


Internship and Co-op opportunities help to provide students with practical work experience that may assist them in finding permanent employment after they graduate. Students have access to Lambton College's Co-op and Career Advisors who provide comprehensive co-op and career development services and resources for students eligible for internship and co-op. Both Internship and Co-op are competitive – the employer makes all the decisions; students are not placed into opportunities.

Internships provide up to 180 hours of practical experience during a term and Co-op is a minimum of 420 hours during one work term.

Field & Clinical Placements

Placements are a part of many programs at Lambton College in the areas of Community Services and Health Sciences, in particular. Students in these programs gain real-world experience while making strong connections and providing services to communities.

Placement providers also benefit greatly from having students complete placement hours at their organizations. Many organizations who have traditionally provided placement opportunities to Lambton College students, now rely on these placements to provide much needed services while at the same time giving students the practical experience they need to complete components of their program curriculum.

A paramedic student works on patient in back of ambulance

Contact Us

For information about field placements or becoming a placement provider, give us a call.

Laurie Grant



Room B2-110