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Are you looking for a job in Arkona, Forest, Grand Bend, Port Franks or Thedford? Join us to connect with employers and explore multiple job opportunities all in one location! Dress for success, bring plenty of resumes, and drop in to meet with businesses hiring in the Lambton Shores and surrounding area.

Employers will be on site and recruiting for various full-time, part-time, student, graduate, and seasonal opportunities. A Lambton College Enrolment Advisor along with representatives from Lambton College Community Employment Services will be on site to answer program questions and assist with any job search needs. The event is free and open to everyone, so be sure to come check it out!

Visit us in Thedford at 16 Allen St and we can help with your job search, and you can learn more about upcoming employment opportunities in the surrounding area.

Watch for an updated list of employers attending the event on the Lambton Shores website.

This Employment Ontario program is funded in part by the Government of Canada, the Government of Ontario, and the Windsor Regional Employment Network.
Event Category: Community


Thursday, March 27 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM Thomas Hall, Legacy Recreation Centre
16 Allen St, Thedford


Community Employment Services