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Members of the community are invited to attend an Indigenous cultural gathering called a Round Dance.  The Round Dance is a social event based on Indigenous people’s traditions that honour the memories of their ancestors. The event features traditional hand-drum singing as well as a toonie table, spot dances, kid’s craft corner, photo booth area and Indigenous vendors.

This cultural event is open to students, staff and faculty of Lambton College as well as the general public in the interest of understanding and friendship.

Admission is free and everyone is welcome. Feel free to bring your family and friends.

This event is hosted by the Lambton College Indigenous Student Council and the Indigenous Student Centre (C1-130). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Holly Altiman or Ky Nahmabin in the Indigenous Student Centre.

Event Category: Community


Saturday, December 2 - Sunday, December 3 7:30 PM - Dec 03, 12:00 AM Lambton College Gymnasium (D1-200)