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ECE Leadership Grant

ECE Leadership Grant

Leadership education grants are available to cover part-time tuition fees related to courses offered through a recognized Ontario College for Applied Arts and Technology, in an eligible field of study. Funding is not guaranteed and is based on the number of applications received and available funding per semester.

Eligible Programs

Eligibility Criteria

In order to be eligible to receive funds under the Leadership Education grant, an individual must:

  • Be an existing employee of a licensed home or centre-based agency, EarlyON Child and Family Centres, Parenting and Family Literacy Centres, Head Start Programs or of a publicly funded school in Ontario including, First Nation Education Authorities for at least 2 years as a Registered Early Childhood Educator and currently employed as a:
    • Supervisor (as defined in the Day Nurseries Act, 1990, Regulation 262) or be in a designated supervisory position with Director/Ministry approval if less then 2 years.
    • Front line registered Early Childhood Educator who has been designated to a leadership position and or has leadership/supervisory responsibilities.
    • Registered Early Childhood Educator aspiring to become a Supervisor in the field of Early Childhood Educations.
  • Be enrolled to pursue courses through a recognized Ontario College for Applied Arts and Technology for part-time studies in an eligible field of study, which include:
    • Pedagogical leadership in Early Childhood Education.
    • Early Childhood Education administration and management.
    • Facilities management.
    • Financial management, responsibility and child care governance.
    • Human resources, employment standards and labour relations.
  • Disclose if he/she is receiving funding from other sources (excluding OSAP Provincial Student Loans).
  • Be legally entitled to live and work in Canada.

Application Details

How to Apply


Submit applications to:

Office of the Registrar & Financial Aid Services


Selection Process

There is limited funding available through this grant, and therefore, individuals are encouraged to submit their applications as soon as possible; preferably prior to the start of classes. Once the available funding has been awarded for the academic session, a notice will be posted on the website and no further applications will be accepted.