Corporate Reporting

Public-Private Partnerships Quality Assurance

About Our Public-Private Partnerships

Lambton College has been operating its Public-Private Partnerships since 2006. The College currently has service agreements with two private colleges: Cestar College of Business, Health & Technology (Cestar College) and Queen's College of Business, Technology & Public Safety (Queen's College).

As a publicly funded college, Lambton College is responsible for:

  • Marketing & Recruitment
  • Agent Management
  • Admissions & Registration
  • Student Tuition & Fees
  • Program Design
  • Academic Policies
  • Quality Assurance

Based on our agreements, the respective private colleges are responsible for:

  • Student Services
  • Academic Delivery & Instruction
  • Facilities

Quality Assurance Process

A close-up photo of a a student using a laptop.

Through out Quality Assurance process, we are continually monitoring outcomes, collecting data, analyzing and assessing, and improving upon the curriculum we license in accordance with our service level agreements.

When collecting data, we prioritize feedback from multiple stakeholders as described in our supporting documents.

Supporting Documents

For detailed information about our Quality Assurance Process and how we support our students as they learn, please review the following documents:

Student Satisfaction Survey

Winter 2023

The international Education Department at Lambton College collects data for the student satisfactions surveys in the winter term. Data is collected from students in Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4. The following data was collected from students at Lambton in Toronto at Cestar College. The survey was conducted during the winter 2023 term.

Cestar College Results

Cestar College Results
ProgramKnowledge & Skills - Future CareerLearning Experiences - Program QualityQuality of ServiceQuality of FacilitiesStudent Satisfaction
Advanced Health Care Leadership (AHCT)93%93%93%93%93%
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AIMT)91%78%82%80%78%
Advanced Project Management (PMLT)87%80%76%74%74%
Advanced Project Management - Information Technology (PMIT)83%77%78%79%73%
Business Management (BMAT)89%83%79%76%79%
Business Management - Human Resources (BMHT)87%80%78%71%75%
Business (BSNT)93%91%89%90%85%
Chemical Laboratory Analysis (LAQT)88%86%85%88%84%
Cloud Computing for Big Data (CCBT)89%87%84%84%84%
Computer Programmer (CPCT)89%82%82%80%89%
Computer Software & Database Management (CSAT)82%64%55%68%57%
Construction Project Management (CPMT)77%64%70%68%64%
DevOps for Cloud Computing (DOCT)97%90%84%97%93%
Financial Planning & Wealth Management (FPWT)91%78%78%82%80%
Financial Services - Investigation & Compliance (FSIT)88%82%73%73%72%
Food Safety & Quality Assurance Management (FSQT)80%83%73%63%69%
Full Stack Development (FSDT)74%58%63%84%61%
Marketing Management - Digital Media (MMDT)69%49%46%51%47%
Marketing Management - Professional Sales (MMPT)92%86%83%79%88%
Mobile Applications Design & Development (MADT)91%83%83%87%85%
Occupational Health & Safety (OHST)94%86%74%77%70%
Quality Engineering Management (QEMT)92%88%86%84%84%
Supply Chain Management (SCMT))84%87%79%81%81%

Student Satisfaction Survey results (Winter 2023 - Terms 1, 2, 3, 4)

The international Education Department at Lambton College collects data for the student satisfactions surveys in the winter term. Data is collected from students in Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4. The following data was collected from students at Lambton in Mississauga at Queen's College. The survey was conducted during the winter 2023 term.

Queen's College Results

Queen's College Results
ProgramKnowledge & Skills - Future CareerLearning Experiences - Program QualityQuality of ServiceQuality of FacilitiesStudent Satisfaction
Advanced Project Management (PMLM)89%84%78%75%80%
Big Data Analytics (DSMM)89%75%71%68%68%
Business Analysis (BAMM)87%73%74%74%69%
Business Management - Human Resources (BMHM)96%96%94%84%96%
Business Management - International Business (BMIM)94%89%87%80%84%
Computer Programmer (CPCM)94%90%88%90%90%
Computer Software & Database Management (CSAM)93%97%88%84%89%
Cyber Security & Computer Forensics (CSFM)81%79%81%78%80%
Full Stack Development (FSDM)93%86%78%79%83%
Hotel & Resort Management (HRMM)94%92%87%83%87%
International Business (BINM)95%94%93%91%92%
Recreation Therapy (TREM)94%96%92%92%92%
Supply Chain Management (SCMM)91%87%83%77%81%
Therapeutic Recreation (TRPM)92%92%81%80%80%
Tourism - Operations Management (TMAM)98%97%96%95%93%
Wireless Networking (WNEM)93%88%90%87%88%

Student Satisfaction Survey results (Winter 2023 - Terms 1, 2, 3, 4)

Graduation Satisfaction Results

Winter 2024
Partner CampusEmployed graduates with payGraduates whose job is considered a path to permanent residencyGraduates whose job is related to the program from which they graduatedGraduates who would recommend Lambton College
Lambton College in Toronto (Cestar College)84%75%56%73%
Lambton College in Mississauga (Queen's College)80%76%55%82%

Graduate Satisfaction Results - Class of Winter 2023 - Toronto & Mississauga one year after graduation

Fall 2023
Partner CampusEmployed graduates with payGraduates whose job is considered a path to permanent residencyGraduates whose job is related to the program from which they graduatedGraduates who would recommend Lambton College
Lambton College in Toronto (Cestar College)86%75%55%88%
Lambton College in Mississauga (Queen's College)86%72%49%94%

Graduate Satisfaction Results - Class of Fall 2022 - Toronto & Mississauga one year after graduation