Our EDI Strategy
Lambton College believes that every person should have the opportunity to live a full, authentic life.
Our Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy will act as a road map for the College, providing direction on everything from our curricular and pedagogical practices to enhancing student supports, research infrastructure, leadership development, and organizational culture.
Biannual Update
As a community leader in equity, diversity, and inclusion, Lambton College has a significant responsibility to continue building on the important work we have done to create a college community in which everyone has the opportunity to live a full and authentic life.
We are committed to providing a biannual update on our EDI strategy so we can measure our progress and ensure we are enacting meaningful change that impacts the lived experiences of our community members.
Strategic Pillars & Actions
There are seven strategic pillars that form the basis of Lambton College's Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy (pdf) - below are the highlighted pillars and actions taken:
EDI in Action
Inclusive Spaces Committee
The Inclusive Spaces Committee is a student-led group that works to identify and mitigate physical barriers on campus and eliminate other barriers to inclusion. We plan informational workshops and barrier-free activities for students and employees, and we work with College departments and services to improve accessibility. We also provide space for students to grow their advocacy skills to communicate their rights and needs.
Our hope is that anyone who might doubt they could succeed at college will instead know they will be supported and embraced here for who they are and what they offer, making this an even more diverse and inclusive community.
Amber Harding
- CICE Learning Specialist
Nicholas Schnarr-Rice
- Student

Mental Health & Gender Equity Certificate
The Mental Health and Gender Equity Certificate is a series of professional development sessions that empower employees to support individuals with mental health challenges and address issues related to gender inequality. Suitable for employees at all points in their own learning journeys, the sessions increase understanding and build practical skills for identifying and responding to people in times of distress and vulnerability.
This program aims to help create a safer and healthier environment where students and employees alike feel a greater sense of belonging, ultimately resulting in improved wellness and increased persistence and retention.
- Catharine Dishke, Dean, Academic Excellence & Teaching Innovation
- Lori Brush, Manager, Counselling & Wellness, Accessibility Services, Testing, & Student Success Navigators
- Pam Noordam, Organizational Development Coordinator, Teaching & Learning
CICAN Award 2024
Lambton College’s strategic commitment to Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) has been celebrated with the top award amongst Canadian colleges. The College is honoured to have received the 2024 Gold Award of Excellence in EDI from Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan), the organization that represents publicly supported colleges, institutes, cegeps and polytechnics in Canada and internationally.
Inclusivity Assessment
Lambton College conducted an assessment in 2021 with the help of Turner Consulting Group Inc. - a third-party consultant. The assessment considered:
- A review of employment policies and practices
- A review of student policies and practices
- Consultations with students, staff, and faculty through focus groups and online surveys
- One-on-one interviews with senior leaders, human resources staff, and union representatives
- Consultations with stakeholders in the college community
The results of this assessment we compiled into a two-part report and formed the basis of our EDI Strategy.