2000-1-17 Micro-Credentialing
Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.
Lambton College is committed to providing a range of credentials that meet the needs of students and employers, and align with the Ontario Qualifications Framework and the Minister’s Binding Policy Directive - Framework for Programs of Instruction.
Micro-credentials and micro-certificates are a component of that overall suite of credential offerings:
- Micro-credentials recognize assessed skill mastery of one or more focused competencies.
- Micro-certificates recognize the mastery of complementary competencies that allow one to complete a more complex task within contextual limitations.
Micro-credentials may be stand-alone, or they may stack into micro-certificates and/or traditional Lambton College credential offers.
- Micro-credentials will recognize competencies – defined as some combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities and attributes that when combined contribute to an individual’s ability to perform a task or achieve a practical outcome.
- Achievement of competency will be assessed, and credentialed based on mastery (pass/no pass).
- Approval of a new micro-credential offering is delegated to the Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success by the Lambton College Board of Governors.
- Admission into a micro-credential will be governed by the Minister’s Binding Policy Directive - Admissions Criteria. Micro-credentials that map directly to a post-secondary program will follow the admissions criteria of that program.
- Achievement of a micro-credential will be verified and recognized on the post-secondary transcript. Additionally, a badge (a digital representation of a micro-credential) may be awarded.
- Each micro-credential will be quality assured at the point of launch and on an annual basis. A thorough review will be conducted every six years.
- A detailed framework, including procedural steps related to governance, creation, promotion, implementation, execution, quality assurance and nomenclature will be published by the Innovation Institute on the College staff portal.
For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.