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2000-1-9 Residency Requirements & Recording of Courses & Grades

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Director, Institutional Intelligence & Registrar
Issue Date July 4, 2012
Supersedes Date September 12, 2019
Last Review June 29, 2021
Last Revision June 29, 2021

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

It is in the interest of the College, its students and graduates that the College credentials be recognized as evidence of a high quality education. As part of the assurance of that quality, the College must know and ensure the appropriateness of the content, delivery and evaluation in the courses that constitute the credential. 

The College recognizes, however, that learning can and does take place outside of the College at other institutions and through life experience. The College formally recognizes that learning outside of its walls by granting credit towards a Lambton College credential for courses and credentials from other institutions and experiential learning. 

In order to balance the need for quality assurance and the recognition of external learning, Lambton College has established a residency requirement for each of its credentials. In order to receive a Lambton College credential, a student must complete no less than the prescribed minimum proportion of the courses and credits required for the credential through courses that are recognized as resident courses for the credential.


Residency Requirement

  1. For every College credential a minimum number of the courses and credits required for the credential must be successfully completed through the College and recognized as resident courses.
    1. For programs leading to certificate, diploma, advanced diploma and graduate certificate credentials, 25% or more of the courses and credits used to meet the graduation requirements for the credential must be resident courses and credits.
      1. A program may identify specific courses or course levels that must be part of the resident courses and credits.
    2. For programs leading to a degree, 25% or more of the courses and credits used to meet the graduation requirements must be resident courses and credits.
      1. The College will award no more than 50% of the program courses or credits through PLAR.
      2. A program may identify specific courses or course levels that must be part of the resident courses and credits.
      3. In those degree programs that accept students on a program-to-program basis from preparatory programs or through bridging program arrangements, the resident courses and credits required of those students is a minimum of 25%. The specifics of the residency requirement for these students will be published by the program in its documents and on the website.
  2. Any exceptions to the College residency requirement must be approved by the Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success and published in the College calendar and website.

Resident Courses and Credits

  1. The following courses and associated credits will be deemed to be resident.
    1. A Lambton College course instructed by Lambton College faculty is a resident course for all programs.
    2. A course delivered via OntarioLearn and deemed equivalent, by Lambton College, to a Lambton College course or a General Education Elective is considered a resident course for the Ontario College Certificate and Post-Graduate Certificate programs.
    3. A course delivered via OntarioLearn and deemed to be a degree-level non-core course by Lambton College is considered a resident course for a degree program.

Recording of Grades and Credits for Courses

  1. For a Lambton College course instructed by Lambton College faculty, the Lambton College course name and code and assigned letter grade will be recorded.
  2. For a Lambton College course attempted through Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) and evaluated by Lambton College faculty, the Lambton College course name and code will be recorded; a letter grade will normally be assigned; a grade of AS may be assigned. In the case of an unsuccessful assessment, no course or grade will be recorded. See the Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition - Internal & External (2000-1-10) policy.
  3. For a course that is delivered (i.e. course content and evaluation controlled by the faculty) by another institution and that is deemed equivalent to a Lambton College course, the transferred credit will be recorded with the course name, code and credit weight of the equivalent Lambton College course and a grade of Transfer Credit (TC).
  4. For a course that is delivered by another institution through OntarioLearn for which the student registered at Lambton College and that is deemed equivalent to a Lambton College course, the transferred credit will be recorded with the course name, code and credit weight of the equivalent Lambton College course and the grade earned.
  5. In the above instances, when the course delivered by the other institution is deemed to be acceptable as a general education course but is not equivalent to any particular Lambton College course, the above rules apply with the exception that the entry will be "General Education Elective" with a code of GED-XXX3 and a credit weight of three.
  6. When the course is delivered by another institution through OntarioLearn and is deemed by Lambton College to be acceptable as a degree-level non-core course and is not equivalent to any particular Lambton College course, the transcript entry will be Non-core Course with a code of DEG-XXX3 and a credit weight of three.

The table that follows is intended to be illustrative of the above statements and is not considered exhaustive.

How grades and credits for courses are recorded, based on various delivery options
Course Delivered byDelivery viaRegistrationEquivalent to a Lambton College courseCounts as a Resident CourseTranscript Entry - CourseTranscript Entry - Grade
LambtonClassroomLambtonIs a LC courseYesCourse name, code, gradeAll possible
LambtonPLARLambton PLARYesNoLambton name, codeA-D, AS
LambtonOntarioLearn, TLCLambtonYesYesLambton name, codeAll possible earned grades
AlgonquinClassroomAlgonquinYesNoLambton name, codeTC
AlgonquinOntarioLearnAlgonquinYesNoLambton name, codeTC
AlgonquinOntarioLearnLambtonYesLambton name, codeAll possible
AlgonquinClassroomAlgonquinGeneral EducationNo"General Education Course"TC
AlgonquinOntarioLearnAlgonquinGeneral EducationNo"General Education Course"TC
AlgonquinOntarioLearnLambtonGeneral EducationYes - Certificates
No - Diplomas
Lambton name, codeAll possible
AlgonquinOntarioLearnLambtonDegree-level, non-coreYesDEG-XXXAll possible
AlgonquinOntarioLearnLoyalistDegree-level, non-coreYesDEG-XXXTC

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.