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2000-2-2 Post-Secondary Timetabling

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Director, Institutional Intelligence & Registrar
Issue Date August 15, 2019
Supersedes Date June 2, 2021
Last Review April 16, 2024
Last Revision April 16, 2016

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

Lambton College is committed to developing timetables that prioritize student success, while balancing the optimization and efficient use of College human and physical resources.


  1. The academic concerns of the students (i.e. the teaching-learning process) are paramount in any timetabling process. Academic delivery must take precedence over any activity. Events that affect a substantial part of the College must be approved by the Senior Vice President Academic.
  2. The concept of "timetabling the campus" must be followed. Unless there are compelling reasons for assigning dedicated space, rooms and time must be allocated in the most efficient manner. Examples of compelling reasons include, but are not limited to, specialized lab equipment and specialized software.
  3. Rooms will be allocated to accommodate the various delivery modes and section sizes.
  4. During any periods of campus disruption (e.g. the addition or remodelling of classroom spaces), attempts will be made to timetable so that noise, etc. will not disrupt classes.
  5. Constraints and restrictions on the timetable impact the quality of the timetables and student success. Only necessary constraints will be imposed on a timetable and only when approved by the appropriate Dean.
  6. The stability of the timetable is important, and changes should be minimized. Requests to make a timetable change must be approved by the Dean before submission to the scheduling office.
  7. In cases in which there are unresolved conflicting requests, the Registrar will make the final decision.
  8. Creating quality timetables is a collaborative effort requiring all parties to meet the established deadlines for various processes.
  9. Double booking of space is not an acceptable practice. The Dean's office will submit those exceptions that have been approved with their timetabling submissions.
  10. Common hours (e.g. hours allocated for program meetings, student meetings, etc.) will be scheduled after timetables are completed. The scheduling staff may complete meeting requests, or the department may determine the time and request meeting space from scheduling staff.

The Process

Scheduling software is used to automate and efficiently deliver academic schedules, validate against the student information system, generate course sections essential to course registration, produce grade reports, and provide statistical reports.

  1. Timetabling will be undertaken one term at a time.

Table 1: Timetabling Schedule - tasks, responsibilities and deadlines

Timetabling tasks, responsibilities and deadlines
Enrolment ProjectionsRegistrarJan 22Sep 23
Jan 29
Program Designation & Scheduling Requirements FinalizedAcademic Offices, Scheduling OfficeMay 11Nov 1Feb 9
Timetables Issued to DepartmentsScheduling OfficeJun 8Nov 9
Mar 2
Timetables Released to FacultyScheduling OfficeJun 15Dec 4
Mar 8
Adjustment Request DeadlineAcademic OfficesJun 29Dec 9
Mar 16
Timetable PublicationScheduling OfficeJul 13Dec 12
Mar 29

Timetabling Responsibilities 

  1. The Deans have overall responsibility for ensuring that all data required from the academic departments are provided to the Registrar's Office by the specified deadlines, as well as approving constraints and timetable changes.
  2. The Registrar will construct, publish, and distribute the College timetables in accordance with the guidelines and the timetabling schedule. The Registrar will discuss with the Deans any situation that does not comply. The above schedule outlines the key milestones in the process. In the event of extenuating circumstances that impact the achievement of a milestone by the specified date, the Registrar or designate shall inform impacted stakeholders.

Timetabling Guidelines 

  1. Specific timetabling requirements must be approved by the appropriate Dean.
  2. The guidelines to be followed in the construction of the timetables are below.
Class Timetables 
  1. For courses that are common to all students in a given program, whenever possible, those students shall not be scheduled for:
    1. a span of more than eight hours in a given day;
    2. more than four consecutive single one-hour classroom presentations nor more than five consecutive instructional hours, regardless of content, in a given day;
    3. more than seven classroom hours, regardless of content, in a given day;
    4. less than three hours of instruction in a given day.
  2. Students who move from their cohort block timetable may deviate from these guidelines.
  3. Students who require timetabling accommodations due to human rights grounds as stipulated within the Ontario Human Rights Code should access the policy and processes under the College's Accessibility & Accommodations for All Persons (4000-7-1) policy.
Faculty Timetables 
  1. Except by mutual, signed agreement, and assuming no constraints are submitted, a faculty member shall not be scheduled to teach courses for:
    1. a span of more than eight hours in a given day;
    2. more than four consecutive single hours of any type in a given day nor more than three consecutive single hours in different courses in a given day;
    3. more than six class contact hours in a given day unless the faculty member is scheduled for four or less contact days per week.
  2. Faculty constraints present timetabling challenges and conflict with the optimization of timetables for students. Therefore, constraints that do not fall within the list of acceptable constraints or accommodations cannot be addressed.
  3. Acceptable constraints include, but are not limited to the following:
    1. Part-time faculty with specialized expertise but limited availability.
    2. Constraints that fall under the College's obligation to provide accommodation, short of undue hardship, under the Ontario Human Rights Code on any human rights protected ground, including religion, disability, sex, and family status. These constraints must be communicated to and approved by Human Resources, and only the timetabling impacts of the restriction will be communicated to the appropriate Dean and to the Scheduling Office.
    3. Approved duties within the SWF, including but not limited to Coordinator duties, committee work, etc. will be taken into consideration after the academic timetable is built.
  1. All timetabling constraints not based in Ontario Human Rights Code criteria must be communicated to the Registrar's Office by the stipulated deadline. Medical constraints must be approved by Human Resources while all other constraints must be authorized by the Dean.
College Hour 
  1. A consistent one-hour period (College Hour) shall be scheduled for faculty and students. Students and faculty will not be scheduled during the College Hour.
Room Restrictions 
  1. In consultation with the Registrar, the Deans will identify instructional space as general classroom, specialized but generally usable under certain conditions or unsuitable for general use.
  2. Priority use of a room will be provided where necessary.
  1. In cases where faculty or students must travel between campuses, travel time will be built into the timetable. Minimizing such travel will be a timetabling priority objective.
Distribution of Course Delivery Times 
  1. The meetings of a given course will be distributed over the week as evenly as possible.
  2. Unless specified to the contrary, it will be considered acceptable to timetable different types of meetings (lecture, lab, etc.) on the same day.
  3. Student timetables should be compact to minimize large gaps between classes.
Timetable Structure 
  1. If possible, classes will be scheduled Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Timetable Changes 

  1. Prior to the issuance of the official timetables, a period of time will be allocated to problem-solve and fine-tune the timetables. Efforts should be made to keep changes to a minimum.

Order of Priority - Timetable Changes

High Priority Changes 

  1. The following will be considered high priority reasons for timetable changes.
    1. Room changes where enrolment exceeds room capacity
    2. Addition or deletions of course sections
    3. Timetable conflicts for students or faculty
    4. Changes in faculty assignments
    5. Errors or omissions that have been identified
  2. High priority changes must be identified prior to the start of the semester wherever possible, and must be accommodated first.

Low Priority Changes 

  1. Low priority changes include change requests to improve student or faculty timetables.
    1. All students affected by such requests must have agreed to the request in writing before the change will be made.
    2. Student signatures must accompany the schedule change request when submitted to the Dean's Office.
    3. Any student concerns with proposed changes can be submitted to the Dean within five business days of the change request submission.
  2. Low priority changes will be accepted during the first week of the semester only and will be processed as space and staff time permit.

Deadline for Timetable Changes 

  1. Timetable change requests will not be accepted after the first week of any academic term.

Implementation of Changes 

  1. In all cases involving authorized changes, no timetable changes are to be undertaken until the Registrar's Office has completed the change and notified the faculty and students.


  1. Faculty are to communicate solely with their respective Dean when a timetable change is desired and are not to communicate with the Registrar's Office.

Request Forms 

  1. All timetable changes must be recorded on the appropriate form to preserve the integrity of the database.

Appendix A

Room Booking Guidelines

As stated in this policy, Lambton College is committed to scheduling principles that prioritize student success, while balancing the optimization and efficient use of College human and physical resources. When scheduling, the academic concerns, and therefore the primary academic timetable, takes precedence over any activity. 

Activities intended to supplement or complement the academic timetable can access available space as needed through a request via e-mail to The below guidelines will be followed when considering requests to ensure the fair use of limited physical space:

  1. Booking requests from students will not be accepted until after day 10 of each term to allow for room overflow.
  2. If the open study area are inadequate, students must first try to book an alternate public space such as a study booth in the library.
  3. Students are able to request and book classrooms and computer labs from 4:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Monday to Friday and from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Labs with specialized equipment are not permitted for use.
  4. If a booking is requested by a group of students for the entire term, or if a space is being requested frequently by students of the same program, that space/a space will then become designated for that entire program for the term. As to not monopolize classrooms, only 1 classroom/computer lab per program will be designated for the term; a second space for smaller groups of the same program will not be permitted. When a space is being requested for the entire term (specific days and times), the request must then be approved by the Registrar or designate.
  5. If more than one group of students or one program is requesting the same classroom/lab for specific reasons and an alternate location cannot be found, the time will be split or shared between them, regardless of who has requested the space first. Fair and equal opportunity must be given to all students.
  6. Students must request a space by emailing at least 2 business days in advance of their date from their Lambton College email account. Information must include:
    1. Date and time of room needed
    2. Type of room needed
    3. Duration of time
    4. Names and student numbers of all students utilizing the room
    5. Reason for request (see #2)

In return, they will receive the room rules document in the response from room bookings. Requests made with less than 2 business days' notice may not be viewed in time and are at risk of not receiving a response.

  1. The person(s) who booked the room have responsibility for ensuring the cleanliness of the room when the booking concludes. Failure to do so breaches the student code of conduct and can result in disciplinary sanctions.
  2. To ensure academic integrity, rooms with scheduled exams cannot be booked on the same day prior to an exam.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.