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2000-2-5 College Advisory Council

Responsible Executive President
Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Issue Date November 27, 2003
Supersedes Date December 15, 2012
Last Review April 21, 2020
Last Revision April 15, 2019

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

It is enacted as a by-law of the Board of Governors of the Lambton College of Applied Arts and Technology (herein called "the Board") for the establishment of an advisory college council as required by the Ministry Binding Policy Directive. 

This policy serves as the administrative policy for the College Advisory Council.



  1. The advisory council will be known as the Advisory Council of Lambton College, hereinafter referred to as the "Council."


  1. The goals of the Council are:
    1. to provide advice to the President on:
      1. promoting academic excellence
      2. promoting communication within the college community
    2. to provide a forum for staff and students to provide input on the decision making process on academic and student services matters.


  1. The Council shall review and recommend on such issues as:
    1. Educational philosophy
    2. Course and program evaluation
    3. Teaching methodology and standards
    4. Grading and promotion policies
    5. Standards of student conduct and discipline
    6. Admission policies and practices
    7. Student awards and scholarships
    8. Academic equivalencies
    9. Student services
    10. Matters related to the Strategic Plan
  2. Consistent with the consultative function of the Council, its members shall endeavour to consult and communicate with their constituent groups.



  1. The Council shall consist of up to 18 members as follows:
    1. Academic Staff - up to six representatives
      1. Up to five faculty representatives, one from each of the schools
      2. Up to one representative from among the counsellors
    2. Support Staff - up to two representatives
    3. Students - up to five representatives, one from each of the schools
    4. Deans Council - up to two representatives, who are in addition to the representatives identified above
    5. Ex-officio Voting Members
      1. Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
      2. Registrar
  2. The chair of the Council shall be elected by the members of the Council at its first meeting for a term of two years, renewable once for an additional two-year term.
  3. Secretarial support to the Council shall be provided by the Office of the Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success.

Academic Staff Selection

  1. By May 31 preceding the term of office, the Academic Union Local, based on statement 5, shall elect or name the faculty representatives to the Council, drawing from each school where possible.

Support Staff Selection

  1. By May 31 preceding the term of office, the Support Staff Union Local shall elect or name two members to serve on the Council.

Student Selection

  1. By April 30 preceding the term of office, the Student Administrative Council shall name or elect up to five students to serve on the Council, drawing from each school where possible.

Administrative Staff Selection

  1. By May 31 preceding the term of office, the Deans Council shall appoint up to two representatives.

Terms of Office

  1. The terms of office of the Council members shall commence September 1 and continue for two years.
  2. No member representing a constituency shall serve more than four consecutive years but on the expiration of two years after having served on the Council, a person shall again be eligible for election or appointment for up to four years and may continue the same cycle until they are no longer employed at the College or engaged in a program of instruction.
  3. A member of the Council may resign at any time by submitting a written resignation to the Chair.
  4. Where a representative member, not having notified the Chairperson of the Council or Secretary, and is absent from two consecutive meetings without regrets, or three consecutive meetings, the position shall be declared vacant.
  5. If a member changes status and can no longer represent the group or constituency, the position shall be declared vacant.
  6. Vacancies during terms of office, however caused, shall be filled by appointment by the Student Administrative Council, Support Staff Union, Faculty Union, or the Deans Council, as appropriate, for a vacancy from their respective constituencies.

Responsibilities of Members

  1. Except for ex-officio members, participation on the Council and its committees shall be on a voluntary basis. All reasonable arrangements will be made to make participation on the Council as accessible as possible.
  2. Members shall participate fully in all meetings of the Council as well as on any committee to which they are named by the Chair.
  3. Members shall make themselves available to their constituencies and will keep their peers informed of major issues before the Council.
  4. Members shall regularly consult their constituencies; however, as representative, they may contribute to and vote on issues, as dictated by the views of their constituency, their individual perspectives and their conscience.

Responsibilities of the Chair

  1. Any member may place an item on the agenda by forwarding it to the Chair two weeks prior to the next meeting.
  2. The Chair shall preside over and conduct all meetings according to conventional rules of order.
    1. The Chair shall vote as any regular member of Council.
    2. In the absence of the Chair, the Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success will preside over the Council.
  3. The Chair shall notify the appropriate constituent group within five working days of any vacancy being declared.


  1. The Council shall meet at least twice each fall and winter term, with the agenda, time and location to be posted in advance.
  2. All meetings shall be open to the college community.
  3. Fifty percent (50%) of the members plus one excluding vacancies shall constitute a quorum.


  1. The Council may also form ad hoc committees as may be deemed necessary. Membership on such committees is voluntary, and will be by appointment by the Chair in consultation with the Council.


  1. The Council shall issue an annual report of their activities to the President by June 30 of each year.


  1. College staff and students are defined as follows:
    The Academic Staff
    Persons employed by the Board of Governors as a member of the faculty employee group as a professor, instructor, or counsellor, on a full-time or part-time basis.
    The Support Staff
    Persons employed by the Board of Governors as a member of the support staff employee group, on a full-time or part-time basis.
    A Student
    A person who is enrolled in a program of instruction on a full-time or part-time basis, either post-secondary or adult training.
    Deans Council
    Committee that deals with academic issues, consists of members appointed by the Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success, is chaired by the Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success, and is advisory to the Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success.
    A School
    An organizational grouping of programs and services led by a dean.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.