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2000-6-2 Honorary Diplomas & Degrees

Responsible Executive President
Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Issue Date June 15, 2006
Supersedes Date June 15, 2006
Last Review June 26, 2019
Last Revision June 26, 2019

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.


  1. The College may award annually the Honorary Degree recognition, consistent with Ministry directives and Board policy.
  2. The College may award annually the Honorary Diploma recognition, consistent with Board policy.


  1. Any person who is a Lambton College student, alumni, past or present employee, member of the Board of Governors or member of an advisory committee may nominate a person for an honorary degree or diploma by completing the prescribed nomination form and submitting the form to the Office of the President by January 31.
  2. A committee will be appointed annually by the President to consider nominations that meet the criteria established in the Board policy. A list of potential nominees will be forwarded to the President.
  3. Consistent with Board policy, the President will provide the Board of Governors with a list of recommended nominees.
  4. Following consultation with the Board of Governors, the President will advise potential recipients of the honorary degree or diploma being considered for them.
  5. The names of individuals prepared to accept an honorary degree or diploma will be forwarded to the Board of Governors for final approval.
  6. The recipient(s) of an honorary degree or diploma will attend the designated graduation ceremony to receive the honour. The honorary degree or diploma will be presented by the Board Chair or designate.


  1. Board Policy 4-014 Honorary Diplomas
  2. Letter from Minister of Training, Colleges & Universities to Board Chair dated March 8, 2004, re the Honorary Applied Degree

Appendix A

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.