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2000-7-2 Use of College-Issued Student Email Address

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Director, Institutional Intelligence & Registrar
Issue Date May 9, 2019
Last Review November 6, 2024
Last Revision November 6, 2024

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

This policy has drawn on materials and concepts from the corresponding policy at University of Windsor, King’s College and George Brown College.

Lambton College provides students with an email address to be used for institutional communications. This institutional email address serves to provide a standard channel for communications between the College and the student, maximize the probability that email between the College and the student remains secure and private, and provide reasonable assurance of the authenticity of the sender’s identity.


  1. The College will provide, and maintain, an individual College email address for every registered student during the student’s registration at the College, in accordance with Policy 4000-4-8 – Account Life Cycle.
  2. The College will operate on the assumption that the student reads the emails sent to the College email address and does so in a timely fashion.
  3. The College is not obliged to accept or act on a student email unless it comes from the assigned College email address.
  4. The student is responsible for monitoring the College email address on a frequent and consistent basis.
  5. Failure by the student to read, or read in a timely fashion, email sent to the College address will not exempt the student from any responsibilities associated with the email correspondence or consequences arising from the failure to read the email correspondence.
  6. The student is required to report any technical difficulties with the College email address to the Information Technology Department.
  7. Official College email containing confidential information will be sent only to the College-provided email address beginning no later than the tenth day of the student’s first term of study. The forwarding of emails to another address(es) by the student is done at the student’s risk and does not absolve the student from any responsibilities associated with or consequences arising from the email.
  8. Emails of an urgent nature impacting student safety or persistence may be sent to the personal email address as well as the college email address by the College employee directly responsible for that communication. Care will be exercised to disclose no personal information and communication will be limited to a reference to the College email address.
  9. Students using College email, including the College-provided email address, are required to adhere to the Use of Information Technology Resources (4000-4-5) policy and the Student Rights & Responsibilities & Discipline (2000-5-1) policy .
  10. Faculty will require students to use the College’s Learning Management System for course-specific communications.
  11. Emails exchanged between Lambton College employees and students, and between the College and students are subject to the Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.