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3000-1-1 Recruitment & Selection

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services
Director, Human Resources
Issue Date December 1, 2008
Supersedes Date January 24, 2022
Last Review December 15, 2022
Last Revision December 15, 2022

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.


  1. Lambton College is committed to attracting, developing, retaining, and promoting a diverse workforce, and infusing diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout recruitment practices. The College, through its Strategic Plan, recognizes the value of achieving a diverse workforce that can effectively meet the changing needs of the students and communities it serves. In the recruitment and selection of all employees, the College is committed to hiring the best qualified person available for each position. As an equal opportunity employer, the College values diversity, recognizes the worth and dignity of all candidates, and encourages fair and open competition while ensuring all contractual and legislative requirements are met, including Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Ontario Human Rights Code and all applicable Collective Agreements.
  2. Recruitment process accommodation requests will be provided as required under the Employment Standards section of the AODA. Requests are to be made to the Human Resources representatives managing the file at the outset of the process or at any stage throughout.
  3. Recruitment and selection procedures are outlined in the Human Resources recruitment procedures document (see Appendix A.) These procedures are maintained and updated by the Director, Human Resources.


Appendix A: Human Resources Recruitment & Selection Procedures

The following procedures for posting, screening, interviewing and selection must be followed in filling all posted vacancies. They are intended to maximize employee diversity and talent and maintain compliance with all applicable legislation and Collective Agreements.


  1. All requests to fill vacant full-time, Initiatives/Opportunities (I/O), Appendix D, regular part time positions must be approved by the appropriate Hiring Managers Supervisor
  2. All employment advertising and posting requests must be approved by the Manager, Human Resources or designate to ensure compliance with the various Collective Agreements, Terms and Conditions of Employment for Administrative Staff and College Policy. Human Resources has the right and responsibility to edit advertisements and postings to ensure consistent and proper format and wording are used
  3. The hiring Manager is responsible for ensuring position related information is provided to the Human Resources Manager or Designate for review as per below:
    1. New Positions:
      1. Administration: Create a new Job Fact Sheet (form on intranet)
      2. Support Staff: Create a new Position Description Form (form on intranet)
      3. Faculty: Job Posting created based on established minimum qualifications
      4. RPT Support Staff and other than full time positions require a current evaluation form completed and evaluated
    2. Vacancies:
      1. Administration: Update Job Fact Sheet – if required (form on intranet)
      2. Support Staff: Update Position Description Form- if required (form on intranet)
      3. Faculty: Posted based on established minimum qualifications
      4. RPT Support Staff and other than full-time positions review assigned duties and if substantive changes, new evaluation to be completed.
  1. Where required, a new position or vacancy will be evaluated for salary rating prior to posting.
  2. An effective hiring process must begin with ensuring that qualifications for the position do not include barriers. Therefore, job requirements must be bonafide. Bonafide job requirements are described as employment requirements that are necessary for reliable, safe and efficient performance of the essential components of the job. Hiring Managers are ultimately responsible for ensuring job qualifications are bonafide. However, the Manager, Human Resources or designate will support the Hiring Manager in the application of this process.
  3. The Manager, Human Resources or designate makes arrangements for the preparation of the final job description, search criteria and position vacancy documents. These documents are sent to the Hiring Manager for review and approval. Once approved, the vacancy is posted, where applicable, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the appropriate collective agreements.
  4. For all other employment requirements, the Manager, Human Resources or designate is available to provide guidance and direction.

External Advertisements

  1. The Manager, Human Resources or designate prepares the advertisements and posts the vacancies via the Applicant Tracking System.
  2. All external advertisements will include the following statements:
    1. A statement on employment equity and diversity
    2. A statement on acknowledging applicants and those that will be contacted.
    3. Indigenous Land Acknowledgement
    4. Availability of an accommodation upon request under AODA


  1. All applications for employment must be submitted to the specific job competition via the applicant tracking system before the closing date of the competition.
  2. The Hiring Manager will review the applications as provided by Human Resources, to ensure all candidates possess the required skills, abilities and qualifications based on the job posting.


  1. The College’s commitment to employment equity is a key factor in screening applicants for interviews and in actual hiring decisions.
  2. Selection committees are required for every full-time posted position vacancy.
  3. The Hiring Manager in consultation with the Manager, Human Resources or designate determines the members of the Selection Committee. In selecting Committee membership, the Hiring Manager will give consideration to inviting membership to those individuals that they believe will provide them with unique perspective and expertise which will support the Hiring Manager’s hiring decision. The Manager Human Resources or delegate is typically an ex-officio member of Selection Committees.
  4. The Committee membership should range between 3 and 5 members.
  5. It is the Hiring Manager’s responsibility to invite the Selection Committee members.
  6. Selection committee members will not be told the names of the candidates until an offer to sit on the Committee has been accepted. Upon identification of the candidates, it is the responsibility of each committee member to indicate if a potential conflict of interest exists and if so, to step down.
  7. Selection committee members will maintain strict confidentiality with regard to the names, backgrounds and answers given, both during and after the selection process. The Hiring Manager is responsible to ensure that confidentiality is maintained as failure to maintain confidentiality by a committee member may result in disciplinary action.
  8. All candidates for a vacant position will be interviewed by the same committee using the same questions and assessment tools. Where a situation arises that a committee member must be replaced due to unforeseen circumstances, it will be the responsibility of the Chair to ensure that a complete and unbiased summary of each proceeding interview be given to the new committee member. Alternatively, at the discretion of the Hiring Manager the departed committee member may not be replaced.
  9. Throughout the selection process, the Hiring Manager provides direction to the Committee. This includes determination of the appropriate options and tools for the assessment of the candidate’s knowledge, skills and abilities. Assessment options must include behavioural based interview questions and may include assessment tools that reflect typical core duties of the position and will assist the committee in assessing the candidate’s fit for the position.


  1. A suitable interview date, interview process, schedule and location will be determined jointly by the hiring Manager and the Manager, Human Resources or designate. Whenever possible, all interviews for one vacancy will occur on the same day.
  2. Candidates will be given at least 5 calendar days notice to attend an interview, whenever possible.
  3. Human Resources contacts all applicants who will be invited for an interview, informing them of the date, time, location, format of the interview, any assessment exercise that they are expected to come prepared with or to prepare once they arrive, and the make up of the Selection Committee and requesting that they bring at least 2 references (including name, affiliation or relationship to the candidate, phone number and email address) with them to the interview.
  4. Human Resources and the Hiring Manager will formulate the behavioural based interview questions along with any additional assessment exercises required of the candidates.
  5. Questions or selection criteria related to prohibited grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code are prohibited. Please review the Ontario Human Rights Code.
  6. The selection committee members will score the Interview and rank the candidates individually. The Selection Committee subsequently will discuss and review the interview scores and associated rationale for such scores. All panel members are responsible for taking detailed and where possible, verbatim notes with respect to each candidate’s responses to substantiate their score for each question.
  7. In situations where more than one candidate can perform the job requirements equally well, the Selection Committee shall make its recommendation based on the College’s commitment to a workforce that is representative of the College’s diverse community. Candidates have the ability to self-identify as diverse candidate. The Hiring Manager will determine the candidate they wish to proceed with pursuing reference checks, following hearing the input of the Selection Committee members.
  8. The Hiring Manager may decide to hold a second interview with a preferred candidate (s) as a further step in the recruitment process. The hiring Manager may choose to utilize the same team or a new team and will follow the same interview process as described above but will use more probing and job-specific questions.
  9. All interview packages, including any notes taken, will be collected by the HR representative after the interviews are completed and kept on file for a minimum of one year, or as required by relevant legislation, in the Human Resources Department. If for some reason the materials are not collected at the end of interviews, they must be returned to the HR department as soon as possible. All materials from a selection process that is subsequently challenged or grieved will be kept until the matter is completely resolved.


  1. Human Resources and the Hiring Manager are responsible for checking the references provided by the candidate chosen to fill the position. This is done using a standard Reference Check process utilizing our reference check software. Should a hiring Manager request a paper format to conduct the reference themselves, they can request a copy from the Manager Human Resources or designate. For external candidates two (2) references are checked.
  2. The following criteria should be used:
    1. Current/immediate supervisor – this could be subject to a conditional offer if the candidate is not comfortable providing this yet
    2. One prior supervisor from a previous role
    3. One business stakeholder from current or former role (i.e. leaders in other business units who work closely with candidate) who can speak to the depth and breadth of the candidate’s experience and abilities)
  3. Certain jobs within the College may require a background check as a bonafide job requirement, as determined by Executive Management. This may include a Criminal Records check, a Criminal record and Judicial Matters check and/or A vulnerable Sector check. This information will be on the Job Posting listed as a requirement. Human Resources in consultation with the Hiring Manager and Executive Management as required, will review results of background checks and determine if this will exclude the applicant based on the bonafide requirement.
  4. Salary determination must be discussed with the Manager, Human Resources or designate prior to offering the successful candidate the position to ensure compliance with the salary guidelines under the terms of the appropriate Compensation Guidelines.
  5. The Hiring Manager completes all information on the Recommendation to Hire Form and signs the form. Information that must be included with this form as it goes through the signature/approval process is as follows:
    1. the Recommendation to Hire Form - available on the HR website on myLambton or by this link: Recommendation Form for Appointment to Staff (PDF)
    2. the candidate’s application
    3. the three reference check forms filled out
    4. for full-time and associate faculty, a Classification Form must be reviewed by the Manager, Human Resources or designate and attached (electronic copy can be requested from the Manager, Human Resources or designate)
    5. any degree, diploma, certificates directly from the issuing institution to verify qualifications
    6. any additional information the Hiring Manager wishes to include from the interview
  6. The Hiring Manager must then obtain all necessary approvals on the form or email attached, prior to offering the position to anyone. The following signatures or email approvals are required:
    1. For all external to the College Candidates for full-time administrative, full-time support staff or full-time academic positions and for all leadership positions:
      1. the Hiring Manager
      2. the Manager, Human Resources or designate
      3. the Hiring Manager's Supervisor
    2. For non leadership internal transfers and for any other position such as part-time or temporary support staff, co-op students, EBAT students, associate faculty, and any other contract staff:
      1. the Hiring Manager
      2. the Manager, Human Resources or designate
  7. Only after all necessary signatures are obtained may a Hiring Manager offer the successful candidate the position. A verbal offer may be made and the candidate can be told that a formal contract letter and hiring package will be processed and sent from the HR department.
  8. After acceptance of the offer from the candidate, the Hiring Manager is responsible to contact all unsuccessful candidates to discuss the outcome of the process. Internal candidates should be provided feedback for development purposes.
  9. The hiring Manager and Human Resources ensure that all professional credentials are submitted by the new employee and placed on the personnel file, if they were not provided at the interview or with the candidate’s application form.

Selection of Other Than Full-Time (OTFT) Employees

  1. Depending on the nature of the role and the circumstances of the hire, the hiring manager will be responsible for establishing the process for ensuring that the minimum qualifications are met;
  2. The hiring manager will be responsible for retaining the documentation supporting the rationale for the hiring decision.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.