3000-1-5 Employee Credentials
Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.
This policy draws from the Post-Secondary Education Quality Assurance Board Manual for Public Organizations, 2020.
Well and appropriately qualified employees are the foundation for current, high-quality programs and support services. Lambton College is committed to hiring employees who have the training, experience, education and credentials that prepare and enable them to be effective employees who are fundamental to the success of Lambton College. Accordingly, this policy sets down the minimum qualifications required of new employees.
- This policy describes the minimum qualifications for individuals to be hired as full-time or part-time employees of Lambton College.
- The required qualifications will vary with the program or department and the nature of the position. Specific requirements by program/department and position are provided in the appendix.
Academic Credential Requirements
Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Graduate Certificate Programs
- An employee teaching in a specific program is normally required to hold an academic credential at least one higher than the credential the program students will earn upon graduation.
- An employee teaching in a specific program is normally required to possess the appropriate trade or professional qualification(s) and documented expertise in the program field and, where relevant, be eligible to be a practitioner in that field.
- Individual programs may establish higher or additional requirements than those described above for all or specific positions within the program.
Degree Programs
- All faculty teaching in the professional or main field of study (core), acting as thesis/capstone supervisors and/or members of examining committees, where appropriate, or teaching non-core courses, must:
- have, where relevant, professional credentials and related work experience;
- hold an academic credential at least one degree higher than that offered by the program in the field or in a closely related field or discipline;
- engage in a level of scholarship, research, or creative activity sufficient to ensure their currency in the field; and
- be adequately trained for the delivery mode.
- At least 50% of the students’ experience in the professional or main field of study and in the non-core areas must be in courses taught by a faculty member holding the terminal academic credential in the field or in a closely related field or discipline.
- An employee teaching or facilitating in a field in which a professional accreditation, registration or license is normally required for practice must be currently eligible to practice in the field, i.e., be currently registered, licensed or recognized. For example, an employee teaching nursing courses is required to be registered with the College of Nurses of Ontario.
- Technicians or academic employees acting as research, clinical or exhibition supervisors must meet requirements set out by the regulated profession, including professional certification, registration or license.
Verification of Credentials
- Individuals who are considered for employment must provide acceptable evidence to the College of their credential(s). The credentials must be provided and verified before employment begins.
- All credentials must undergo verification.
- The hiring manager must verify all credentials.
- Credentials issued from institutions outside of Canada must be evaluated for the purpose of teaching or other activity associated with the position and be found to be equivalent to Canadian credentials.
- Academic credentials must be provided directly to the College by the awarding institution and will be kept on file by the College.
- Academic Credential
- An award or recognition that the recipient has successfully completed a program of study and the evidence of the award or recognition.
- Professional Credential
- An award or recognition from a certifying or regulatory body affirming that an individual has the essential knowledge and skills of a specific professional field required for current, safe practice and the evidence of the award or recognition.
- Core Course
- A course that is directly linked or central to the field of study of the student’s program.
- Non-Core Course
- A course in a program that lies outside the central or principal field of study and enables the student to explore a field or topics separate from the core program topics.
- Terminal Credential
- The final and highest credential in a field or discipline, normally an earned doctorate in an academic field or discipline.
Minimum Faculty Credential by Program
The Document Minimum Credentials & Experience for New Full-time Faculty Hires is available on request from the department of People & Organizational Development.
For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.