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3000-2-1 Vacations

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services
Director, Human Resources
Issue Date February 8, 2012
Supersedes Date February 8, 2012
Last Review January 4, 2019
Last Revision September 30, 2024

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

The College believes that employees benefit from using fully the vacation days that they have earned during the year. This policy is intended to facilitate and ensure that employees arrange for and use the vacation leave to which they are entitled and have accumulated each year.


  1. This policy applies to all full-time employees.
  2. Employees are to schedule their vacation in a timely fashion, and in accordance with the relevant articles of the respective Collective Agreements, and Terms & Conditions of Employment for Administrative Staff.
  3. Requests to modify the use of vacation periods will require the approval of the appropriate Vice-President on the recommendation of the appropriate Supervisor.


  1. Vacation accumulation for administrative employees is based on a September 1 to August 31 reference period.
  2. All full-time Administrative Staff will be entitled to 22 working days of vacation after one year of continuous service at August 31 and one additional vacation day for each additional one year of continuous service at August 31 with a maximum vacation entitlement of 30 working days.
    1. 1 year of service at August 31 = 22 days
    2. 2 years of service at August 31 = 23 days
    3. 9 years of service at August 31 = 30 days
  3. Employees with less than one year of service on August 31 will be granted vacation on a pro-rata basis (1.83 days for each full month of service).
  4. Vacation may be taken as the vacation days are earned, and at any time provided that the continuity of college operations is not jeopardized and upon the prior approval of the immediate supervisor. In special circumstances and with the permission of the supervisor, an employee may temporarily enter into a vacation deficit (i.e. negative accumulated vacation days)
  5. On or before August 1 of each year, administrative staff will be advised through their supervisor of the total number of still unused vacation days carried over from the previous vacation year (reference period) or earned in the current year. Approval from the appropriate vice-president is required for the employee to carry over unused vacation days past August 31, which must be used by a deadline of December 31. The President must approve the carry-over of unused vacation days for vice-presidents. Additionally:
    1. it is mandatory that an employee take statutory vacation time before August 31;
    2. vacation days carried over beyond August 31 and not used by December 31 will be forfeited, except:
      1. in extreme circumstances where, at the sole discretion of the President the individual will be paid out for the unused vacation,
      2. when an employee is prevented from taking vacation because of College requirements, as approved in writing by the President or designate, in which case, the unused vacation days will be paid to the employee.
  6. In accordance with the Terms & Conditions of Employment for Administrative Staff, an employee may accumulate a vacation entitlement of up to, but not exceeding, forty-five (45) working days at any time. Any accumulation is subject to the written approval of their Vice-President. The maximum forty-five (45) working days includes the vacation entitlement earned during the current vacation period.
  7. The annual vacation entitlement and conditions will be in accordance with the Terms & Conditions of Employment for Administrative Staff currently in effect as issued by the College Employer Council.

Full-Time Faculty, Counsellors and Librarians

  1. Vacation entitlement is based on a September 1 to August 31 reference period.
  2. As per Article 15.01A of the Academic Employees Collective Agreement, all full-time faculty, counsellors, and librarians who have completed one full academic year of service with the College shall be entitled to a vacation of two months (43 days) as scheduled by the College.
  3. A full-time employee may request and, with the approval of the College, may have a vacation that is scheduled in periods other than a single continuous block.
  4. A full-time employee who has completed less than one full academic year of service with the College shall be entitled to a two month (43 days) vacation period and shall be paid the remainder of the employee’s prorated annual salary.
  5. Full-time faculty on professional development leave for a full year (September – August) will receive their pro-rated salary for twelve months. All deferred earnings (vacation days) are included in the leave period.
  6. In accordance with Article 15.01B of the Academic Employees Collective Agreement, a faculty member assigned to teach for an additional month (11th month) beyond the normal teaching schedule of the equivalent to ten months as part of a continuous 12 month program, shall be entitled to a vacation period of one month, as scheduled by the College. Such faculty member shall also receive a payment of ten percent of the employee’s annual regular salary for the eleventh month of teaching assignment to be paid on completion of such assignment. A faculty member assigned to teach in the eleventh month for less than a full month will be entitled to a pro-rata amount of the ten percent payment referred to above, to be paid on the completion of such assignment.
  7. There is no provision in the Academic Employees Collective Agreement for vacation carry over. All vacation days are to be used within the September 1 to August 31 period. If, for instance, an employee teaches for 5 days in the summer vacation period, those 5 vacation days must be taken at a mutually agreeable time, in order to ensure all vacation is complete by August 31.
  8. As per 3 above, all full-time faculty, counsellors, and librarians must have written approval to change the vacation period, otherwise the original period will stand and the appropriate vacation days will be attributed to the employee’s vacation account.
  9. The annual vacation entitlement and conditions will be in accordance with the terms of the Academic Employees Collective Agreement currently in effect.

Support Staff

  1. Vacation accumulation is based on a July 1 to June 30 reference period.
  2. All full-time Support Staff will earn 15 working days of vacation over the first year of continuous service with the College, with increases in subsequent years as outlined in the current collective agreement.
  3. Staff with less than 12 months of active employment in any year will receive vacation on a pro-rata basis.
  4. Vacation days may be taken as earned. In special circumstances and with the permission of the supervisor, an employee may temporarily enter into a vacation deficit (i.e. negative accumulated vacation days). Earned vacations may be taken at any time provided the continuity of College operations is not jeopardized and upon the prior written approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor.
  5. In accordance with Article 11.6 of the Support Staff Collective Agreement, an employee may carry over up to 15 days of vacation to the immediately following vacation year consistent with efficient staffing requirements and subject to an agreement on scheduling of the carry-over day(s) in the following vacation year at a time convenient to the College. Any vacation days carried over beyond the days granted above will be subject to scheduling by the College.
  6. The annual vacation entitlement and conditions will be in accordance with the current Support Staff Collective Agreement in effect.

Recording and Monitoring of Vacation Entitlement

  1. The Human Resources Department will maintain a record of each employee’s vacation entitlement in the Human Resources Information System (HRIS).
  2. Employees will enter all vacation/leave activity taken in the HRIS. Instructions for entering vacation/leaves is located on the employee’s Timesheet and Attendance Summary in the HRIS.
  3. Employees should verify their vacation entitlement and usage in the HRIS. Discrepancies should be addressed with their supervisor first and then with Human Resources.
  4. All supervisors are responsible for monitoring the approved vacation usage in the HRIS for their employees.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.