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3000-2-10 Employee Compensation during an Emergency Closure

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services
Director, Human Resources
Issue Date December 22, 2008
Supersedes Date February 19, 2013
Last Review October 21, 2022
Last Revision January 16, 2020

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

There may be times when it is necessary, due to severe weather conditions or other emergencies to temporarily close all or part of the College.


  1. Employees are expected to be at work, unless all or their part of the College is officially closed. Employees are expected to exercise judgment regarding their ability to travel safely to attend work.
  2. All employees who are scheduled to work on the day of a partial or full-day closure of all or their part of the College due to severe weather conditions or other emergency will receive their regular compensation for the day.
  3. All employees who would have been absent on paid leaves on the day(s) the College or a campus is closed are not entitled to day(s) off in lieu of the closure day(s).
  4. All employees who were on scheduled approved leaves (e.g. vacation, sick leaves, paid leaves of absence) will have their time recorded as if there had been no closure of the College.
  5. All employees who are on an unpaid leave of absence or who are not scheduled to work on the day(s) the College is closed are not entitled to any additional remuneration or compensatory time off.
  6. Work study students will not be paid for College closure days due to provisions in the Work Study agreement.
  7. Employees absent from work due to weather conditions or other emergencies will be required to use a vacation day, lieu time, a leave of absence without pay, or make up the missed time at a later date scheduled in consultation with the supervisor. 

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.