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3000-2-4 Performance Evaluation

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services
Director, Human Resources
Issue Date January 21, 2011
Last Review June 23, 2021
Last Revision June 23, 2021

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

The Lambton College Board of Governors Performance Evaluation Policy states that “Lambton College is committed to excellent teaching and learning and the provision of excellent service to achieve the values and standards outlined in the College's Strategic Plan.

The Employee Performance Evaluation Process provides

  • a forum for open discussion of employee strengths and identification of areas where improvement is required,
  • an opportunity to identify and encourage ongoing personal and professional development, 
  • assistance to the employee to improve employee performance,
  • an opportunity for the employee and supervisor to set mutual objectives concerning employee performance, 
  • a fair and effective basis for making personnel decisions,
  • support for continuous improvement and professional growth, and
  • recognition of the importance of the employee's contribution to institutional success.


  1. This policy applies to all employees.
  2. Performance evaluations are undertaken with the understanding that each employee possesses different abilities and skills and that no one employee is expected to perform peerlessly in all areas.
  3. Evaluations will be completed in co-operation with employees.
  4. Performance will be evaluated in relation to the duties and competencies as stated in the current position description.
  5. Performance evaluation criteria will be clearly communicated to an employee prior to the commencement of the evaluation process.
  6. The evaluation process may include the identification of employee goals and development needs and the creation of a development plan.
  7. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process. The distribution of results will be clearly explained and controlled.
  8. Completed employee performance evaluations will be sent to the Human Resources department for tracking and retention. A copy may be retained in the supervisor's office. A copy will be provided to the employee.
  9. The procedures for performance evaluation for each employee group will be established, maintained, modified from time to time, and supported by the Human Resources department. 

Administrative Staff Employees

  1. Administrative Staff employees will be evaluated annually.
  2. The Administrative Staff evaluations will consider evaluation input from individuals in positions to make valid judgments - colleagues with whom the employee has direct and ongoing working relationships and individuals reporting directly to the employee. Ultimately, the supervisor of the employee is responsible for the evaluation. This evaluation input will be gathered annually for the first two years in the position and biennially thereafter.

Academic Employees

  1. The performance goals and professional development plan for each full-time academic employee will be reviewed annually by the employee and supervisor with attention to the current relevance and achievement of the goals and plan.
  2. A full performance evaluation will be conducted every three years by the employee's supervisor.
  3. Elements incorporated in the performance evaluation will include, but are not limited to, classroom observations, formal student feedback, professional development activities, program and course development work, research, scholarship and creative activities, and community and professional engagement.
    1. The performance evaluation will provide the basis for and then include the employee's self-reflection on the student and supervisor feedback received.
    2. In order to gather student feedback, each academic employee shall administer each semester the student feedback survey instrument(s) (e.g. Students' Perception of Learning (SPL) survey) that is assigned to the employee.
  4. The performance evaluation will identify performance strengths and shortcomings, and lead to a jointly considered professional development plan to build on the employees' strengths and address areas requiring development.
  5. At the conclusion of the evaluation, the employee will receive a written performance assessment and professional development plan. Copies of the performance assessment and PD plan shall be held by the employee and the College.
  6. During the probationary period, an academic employee will be evaluated according to the current Collective Agreement requirements. The probationary academic employee will receive a written performance evaluation following each full-time teaching semester for one year of continuous active employment.

Support Staff Employees

  1. Support Staff employees shall be evaluated biennially. If managers feel it necessary or useful and wish to conduct annual performance evaluations, they may do so.
  2. During their probationary period, support staff employees will be evaluated at three (3) months and six (6) months and then on the one-year anniversary of employment.
  3. The deadline for submission of Support Staff evaluations to the Human Resources department is October 31.

Other than Full-time Employees

  1. Managers may conduct performance evaluations on other than full-time employees. Other than full-time employees may request to be evaluated.
  2. These evaluations will use the full-time employee evaluation forms and process for the relevant employee group.
  3. Other than full-time academic employees will receive performance feedback periodically as appropriate.


Procedures and forms for evaluations of full-time members of each employee group are provided on the website under the Human Resources section and can be found under the specific employee groups.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.