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4000-3-6 Pandemic Plan

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services
Director, Facilities Management
Issue Date October 21, 2010
Supersedes Date May 26, 2016
Replaces Formerly Titled Pandemic Influenza Plan
Last Review December 15, 2022
Last Revision December 15, 2022

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.


  1. The purpose of this plan is to assist the College in managing the impact of a health crisis (such as COVID-19 Pandemic) while: maintaining our mission of promoting student and community success; and keeping academic excellence, student & community success, and technological & service excellence as a focus. The goal is based on three main strategies:
    1. Reducing spread of the virus within Lambton College facilities and the community;
    2. Sustaining educational and activity functions; and
    3. Sustaining facility operational functions.
  2. In order for the goal to be met, it will be necessary to provide resources needed for protecting individuals and identify essential services within the College that must continue to be provided in a health crisis. Through effective leadership, organization, and participation by all members of the College community the plan will assist in continued College operation under difficult circumstances.

Infection Control

  1. All members of the College community will be encouraged to follow good hygiene practices to reduce or slow the spread of infections and viruses.


  1. In the event of an epidemic or pandemic, the College will form a Pandemic Steering Committee who will oversee the college-wide plan and issue all directives.
  2. Composition
    1. Executive Management Team
    2. Director, Facilities Management
    3. Senior Director, Community Engagement
    4. Director, Institutional Intelligence & Registrar
  3. The Pandemic Steering Committee will strike Rapid Response Teams and establish project charters for the following areas:
    1. College Operations and Safety Team
    2. Academic Team
    3. International Team
    4. Student Experience Team
    5. Innovation and Community Team
  4. The College Operations and Safety Team will appoint a primary designate to liaise with local publid health and ministry of labour officials. Refer to Appendix A for Rapid Response Team core resources.

Control Measures

  1. The College will adopt applicable local, provincial, and federal mandated public health measures and follow guidance from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities.
  2. The College will conduct a risk assessment based on public health information and implement a hierarchy of control, with measures such as:
    1. Engineering (ventilation, physical barriers)
    2. Administration (remote work/learning, scheduling, safe work, and cleaning and sanitization practices
    3. Personal Protective Equipment (masking, eye protection)
  3. Control measures will apply to all College properties.

Notification and Communication

  1. The College will effectively communicate and inform staff and students of workplace safety measures and provide training, where required.
  2. The College will ensure norification and reporting of illness or exposure is consistent with local and provincial requirements while maintaining confidenitality, where possible. Staff and students are responsible for reporting absences to their respective supervisors or instructors and following all guidance from local public health authoriites.
  3. The College will follow directive and investigate any cases of outbreaks on campus as declared by the local public health unit.

Appendix A: Rapid Response Team Core Resources

Appendix A: Rapid Response Team Core Resources
Rapid Response TeamAppointed ByTeam LeadCore Team Resources (appointed by Team Lead)
AcademicSenior VP, Academic & Student SuccessSenior VP, Academic & Student Success or Designate
  • Administrator within Information Technology
  • Administrator(s) within Academics and Student Success
  • Administrator within International Education
  • Administrator within Registrar's Office
  • OPSEU Local 125 Representative
InternationalSenior Dean, International Education & Computer StudiesSenior Dean, International Education & Computer Studies
  • Administrator(s) within International Education
  • Administrator within Registrar's Office
Student ExperienceSenior VP, Academic & Student SuccessAssociate VP, Student Success
  • Administrator within International Education
  • Administrator(s) within Student Services
  • Administrator within Academics
College Operations and SafetySenior VP, Strategy & Corporate ServicesDirector, Facilities Management
  • Administrator within Human Resources
  • Administrator within Information Technology
  • Administrator within Academics
  • Administrator within Community Engagement
  • Administrator within Facilities Management
  • OPSEU Local 124 Representative
  • Joint Occupational Health & Safety Committee Worker Member Co-Chair
Innovation and CommunityVP, Research & InnovationVP, Research & Innovation or Designate
  • Administrator within Innovation Institute
  • Administrator within Research
  • Administrator within Community Engagement
  • Administrator within Student Services

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.