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4000-4-3 Use of College Space

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services
Director, Facilities Management
Issue Date March 17, 1998
Supersedes Date October 22, 2009
Replaces Formerly policy titled Use of College Property, Replaces 4000-5-8 Approval of Requests for Public Displays on Lambton College Property
Last Review April 7, 2021
Last Revision April 7, 2021

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.


This policy outlines the rules and procedures for booking all spaces at the College, outside of regular academic timetabling scheduling.


This policy governs short-term and limited use booking of College space for the entire College community. College space refers to all property owned or leased by the College.

Policy Statements

Use of Space

  1. College space may be booked by members of the College Community (College staff, faculty, or students), hereafter referred to as Internal, for College associated activities or events.
  2. As a publicly funded institution, external organizations, groups, and community users, hereafter referred to as External, may also book College facilities.
  3. All utilization of College space must align with the College’s Mission, Vision & Values and must not jeopardize the health or safety of any member of the College community.
  4. The College’s academic and other operational activities have priority in the assignment of College space and general bookings should not interfere with academic delivery or other College operations.
  5. The College food service provider has first right of refusal for all food and beverage services for all functions on College premises.
  6. All use of space booking requests are subject to the provisions of the College's Free Speech (4000-5-1) policy.
  7. Any relevant health and safety considerations associated with the specific activities associated with the intended Use of Facility request, are to be identified and addressed by the requesting party in consultation with the College. For External requests, these costs are the sole responsibility of the requesting party, for internal requests, these costs must be authorized by the responsible cost centre manager.
  8. Any additional security costs, that are beyond those associated with the actual Use of Space activity request, will be borne by the College.
  9. The College reserves the right to deny a Use of Space Request, which would have otherwise been permitted under this policy, where the safety concerns are so significant that it is not possible for the College to be confident that the measures available can protect the safety of the college community or that the cost to provide appropriate security is cost prohibitive.
  10. The Manager overseeing the Conference Centre is accountable for adjudicating Use of Space requests within the scope of this policy with respect to the Conference Centre and will put processes in place to enact this policy.
  11. All industrial training bookings related to the Fire School will be coordinated by the Fire School staff, keeping the Registrar’s office advised.
  12. Except as provided for in section 10 of this policy, the Director, Facilities Management is accountable for adjudicating Use of Space requests within the scope of this policy and will put processes in place to enact this policy.

Provisions Specific to Internal College Bookings

  1. Internal College Space bookings include requests for space at the College by staff, faculty, and students. In the case of staff/faculty, such bookings are usually made to support College related business (i.e. meetings, special events, training, seminars). For students, internal bookings would include activities/events that directly support the student’s program or course activities (i.e. class presentations, classrooms/labs booked for study groups/projects, class hallway or common space displays, or minor fund raising for sanctioned program/course objectives).
  2. Internal bookings, since they serve the business and academic needs/mission of the College, will typically be made free of charge.

Provisions Specific to External College Bookings

  1. Bookings may be made by individuals, groups/organizations, or other community users requesting College space for meetings, special events, conferences, training sessions, etc. The purpose of these bookings would be for conducting the external group’s own business and would not be related to any College business/activities. External bookings are subject to fees as established by the College.
  2. Use of Space may not be in direct competition with any College activity.
  3. A Certificate of Comprehensive Liability Insurance is required for all bookings. Depending on the type of activities and the nature of the event being held, additional insurance coverage may be required, as determined by the College. All certificates of insurance must be obtained by the external group at their own expense and must be provided to the College in a timely manner.

Soliciting Funds/Sales/Distributing Promotional Material

  1. At the discretion of the College, external organizations may be permitted to promote, display, or sell their products/services.
  2. At the discretion of the College, charitable organizations/groups may be permitted to use College facilities for distributing information to the College community. Such activities must comply with the provisions of this policy.
  3. Groups are not permitted to directly approach College users to distribute information but may provide such if approached by the person of their own volition.

Posting Notices, Posters and Other Materials

  1. Notices, posters and other materials may only be posted on provided bulletin boards or other designated locations.
  2. Unless specifically authorized by the Facilities Management Department, no items may be posted on walls, windows, doors, or any painted surface, nor may they be posted over any existing materials on bulletin boards. Any such items not specifically authorized will be subject to removal.
  3. Any department, organization or individual posting a notice is responsible for removing the notice(s) following the completion of the event or activity being promoted.
  4. Certain bulletin boards and strips are designated for use by a specific College department, and are signed accordingly. The designated department is permitted to remove notices not approved by the department from its designated bulletin board.

Public Displays on College Premises

  1. The erection of a public display on Lambton College premises requires prior approval by the College.
  2. Requests for Public Displays from non-profit organizations or in support of a public service event will be considered by the Director Facilities Management. All other requests require approval of the Senior Leadership Team.
  3. The Director Facilities Management will establish a process for the consideration for requests for Public Displays on College Premises.

Reference: Confederation College General Space Scheduling Policy, September 3, 2020

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.