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4000-5-10 College Planning & Budgeting

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services
Director, Finance
Issue Date April 14, 2016
Supersedes Date April 14, 2016
Last Review September 8, 2022
Last Revision September 8, 2022

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

The Lambton College Strategic Plan, developed and approved by the Board of Governors, establishes the aspirations, direction, values, and goals for Lambton College. The growth, development and operations of the college, year-to-year and day-to-day, are guided by the Strategic Plan.

The Board of Governors also establishes an annual budget - consistent with the resources available to the college, Ministry directives and legislation - to provide for the operation of the college and the achievement of its annual plan and, in the longer-term, the Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Plan will be achieved through the realization of a series of institutional annual plans that incrementally address the Strategic Plan. The annual plans are established and operationalized within the college through the annual planning and budgeting processes, which establish goals, objectives and activities for the year and allocate the required resources.

The planning and budgeting processes provide for the achievement of the annual plan within the constraints of the annual budget. Good planning and budgeting will result in an effective and efficient organization - one that achieves the desired outcomes through the efficient use of allocated resources in a manner that reflects its values.

Effective planning and budgeting are built on processes that gather information, plans and priorities from the ground up, and shape and mould them to achieve the college strategic and annual priorities, and then fully communicate all plans and priorities to all parties. The annual goals and plans then become the responsibility of the relevant managers who, ultimately, are held accountable for their realization and the effective use of the allocated resources.

The success of the planning and budgeting processes are dependent upon and flow from:

  • the provision of strategic direction;
  • wide and effective gathering of information and employee input;
  • the collation and synthesis of the information; and
  • the assignment of responsibility and successful achievement of goals and assessed budget.


Annually, the Board confirms the Strategic Plan and establishes goals for the President for the coming year. These goals are, largely, the goals for the College.


  1. The President will establish goals for the organization for the next (fiscal) year, consistent with the goals established for the President by the Board and the achievement of the Strategic Plan.
  2. Consistent with the President’s goals and the college Strategic Plan, the responsible vice-presidents will develop an annual Academic Plan and Student Success Plan, and all vice-presidents will develop performance goals for the approval by the President.
  3. Each vice-president’s goals, and the Academic Plan and Student Success Plan where relevant, will be distributed to the relevant school deans and department administrators, who will develop school and department goals and then operational plans that will lead to the achievement of the school/department goals and the vice-president goals.
  4. The operational plans will reflect the priorities and needs of the schools and departments in their efforts to achieve their goals in support of the vice-president and college goals.
  5. The development process for the operational plans must include consultation with all other divisions, schools and departments that potentially may be impacted by the operational plans under development. These consultations may include parallel departments, service departments, student services departments, etc. In most instances, the consultations – particularly those that involve the need for additional or different resources and services – will be through formal channels (e.g. use of standard request for service forms.) 
  6. The operational plan for each school or department will be submitted to the appropriate supervising administrator who will review and consider the submitted plan, consult the involved parties and, if necessary, revise the plan to arrive at the draft operational plan.
  7. Draft operational plans and school/department goals will be shared and reviewed in a college-wide forum of administrators (academic, student services, administrative services), in order to ensure that all administrators are aware of all goals and plans, particularly those that may have an impact on their own plans and operations.
  8. Discussions and modifications of the draft plans may follow the forum.
  9. Ultimately, the draft operational plans will be presented by each administrator to their supervisor for approval.
  10. In each division, the sub-division operational plans will separately support and collectively fully address the vice-president’s goals, and the Academic Plan and Student Success Plan if relevant to the sub-division. The division operational plan will consist of the collective school and/or department operational plans. The division operational plans will separately support and collectively fully address the Academic Plan and Student Success Plan and the goals established by the President.
  11. The goals identified for and in the operational plans established for each school and department will, by and large, be the performance goals for each respective administrator. The supervisor of each administrator will formally confirm the administrator’s performance goals on the basis of the goals in the operational plan(s) for which the administrator is responsible and may choose to identify additional performance goals and competencies.

Annual Budget Plan Development

  1. The operational plans will form the basis for the development of divisional, school and department budgets.
  2. Each department will develop a budget for the next fiscal year that will provide for sufficient and appropriate resources to achieve the department operational plan. The budget will be developed consistent with guidelines and restrictions provided to the College by the President.
  3. The draft department budgets will be consolidated into a draft College budget.
  4. The draft College budget will be reviewed, considered and, where necessary, revised by the Executive Management Team in order to ensure consistency with legislative and Ministry requirements, Board policy and the achievement of the goals for the year and the Strategic Plan.
  5. The review and revision of the draft College budget will include consultations with the division, school and department administrators that may result in revisions to the draft budgets.
  6. On the completion of all revisions to the draft budgets, a draft College budget will be provided to the President for consideration, revision and approval.
  7. The President will present and recommend a proposed College budget to the Board for its consideration and approval. The Board may review and revise the proposed College budget.  Ultimately, the Board will establish the College budget.
  8. The establishment by the Board of the College annual goals and budget will initiate the review, revision (if necessary) and confirmation of the draft division, school and department budgets and operational plans.
  9. At the conclusion of the planning and budgeting processes, there will be in place an approved College budget, and confirmed Academic Plan, Student Success Plan and division, school and department operational plans and budgets.
  10. At the conclusion of the sixth and twelfth months of the fiscal year, each division, school and department administrator will report to their supervisor on the achievement status of the operational plan(s), associated budget(s) and performance goals.
  11. At the conclusion of the sixth and twelfth months of the fiscal year, and subsequent to the above reporting, the President will report to the Board on the status of the College budget and the achievement of their goals.

Performance Goals and Assessment

  1. Annually, the President develops goals, to be approved by the Board, that are consistent with the achievement of the Strategic Plan and may also include personal goals and competencies.
  2. Each vice-president will annually develop goals, to be approved by the President, that are consistent with the President’s goals, and the Academic Plan and Student Success Plan if applicable, and that may also include personal goals and competencies.
  3. The vice-presidents and all other administrators will establish goals for the administrators reporting to them that are consistent with their own, i.e. the supervisor’s, goals and the goals of the operational plans for which they, i.e. the reporting administrators, are responsible, and may also include personal goals and competencies for the reporting administrator.
  4. The performance goals for the administrators will be consistent with their draft plans and budgets, and will be subsequently confirmed, with any necessary revisions, following the approval of the College budget.
  5. At the conclusion of the sixth and twelfth months of the fiscal year, each administrator will report to their supervisor on the status of the achievement of their performance goals and competencies.
  6. At the conclusion of the fiscal year, and after receipt of the above twelve-month reports, the President, each vice-president, and administrator will undertake a performance evaluation of reporting administrators on the basis of each individual’s achievement of the established goals and competencies.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.