Policy Details

4000-5-11 International Travel for College Purposes

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Issue Date May 11, 2017
Last Review May 11, 2017
Last Revision May 11, 2017

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

Lambton College recognizes the potential value of international travel as a learning experience for its students and the role that international travel may play for employees delivering student learning experiences, and developing and advancing College educational and business interests. The College is also cognizant of the complexities and risks inherent in international travel for both the travellers and the College.  This policy addresses risk identification and mitigation, roles and responsibilities, and College expectations for international travel by College students and employees, and associate travellers.


  1. This policy applies to all students and employees of Lambton College who travel internationally, i.e. outside of the borders of Canada, on any College-related activities, including, but not limited to, teaching, learning, experiential learning, conferences, meetings, provision of aid, economic or social development, business development and business operations. This policy applies also to individuals who are not students or employees and who travel internationally as part of or in association with College originated, organized or associated activities - hereafter referred to as associates.
    1. This policy does not apply to members of the Board of Governors travelling internationally on Board or College business.
    2. This policy does not apply to international travel organized by and under the auspices of the Foundation or the Alumni Association. College employees working at the Foundation and Alumni Association are covered by this policy.
    3. This policy applies, but with reduced requirements, to travellers undertaking a day trip into Michigan or a drive-through of Michigan.
  2. In all cases, the College retains the authority and responsibility for making arrangements and decisions respecting travel, accommodations and insurance requirements. This function will be carried out by authorized College personnel, unless otherwise permitted by an authorized representative of the College.
  3. All travellers - students, employees, associates - while traveling internationally on College activities are governed by all College policies. Compliance and behaviour consistent with the policies and College expectations are required of all College travellers. Failure to comply with or behave in a manner consistent with the College policies and expectations may result in disciplinary and/or legal actions by the College.
  4. All documents required by this policy or generated as a result of the application of this policy shall be maintained, consistent with the Records Retention policy, by the College administrator approving the travel - typically a Dean. In all cases, the approving administrator shall have all documents on file at the time of the departure of the travellers.
  5. It is recognized that not all trips will be conceived or known prior to the launch of the planning cycle. It is within the purview of the approving administrator to waive the first or second step of approval and commence the approval process at the next level when proposals are brought forward later in the planning cycle.
  6. In the case of international travel that does not exceed 24 hours and does not go beyond the borders of Ontario and Michigan, the approving administrator may choose to waive certain components, and the associated policy requirements, of the relevant permission and planning forms. The administrator may choose to apply the “Day Trip” version of the applicable form. When the Day Trip forms are used, the application of this policy shall be modified to be consistent with the reduced requirements of the Day Trip forms.
  7. The policy statements that follow are grouped by the nature of the traveller(s): Student Group Travel, Student Individual Travel, Employee Individual Travel and Associate Travellers. The requirements and processes vary somewhat from group to group. The appropriate section of this policy must be considered and applied.

Student Group Travel

  1. Any international travel by a group (two or more) of students must be approved by the Dean, or College administrator of a higher level, responsible for the program or department organizing or sponsoring the trip. (Form 1)
    1. The approval process is a multi-stage process that commences with inclusion of the proposed trip/travel in the department budget submission.
    2. The approval process includes an approval for the operational planning for the trip/travel to proceed.
    3. The approval process includes a second-level approval for the financial commitment of the College and individual students.
    4. The approval process concludes with full approval of the trip and departure.
  2. An employee who is responsible for the organization, administration and execution of the trip - usually including the leadership of the trip to the international destination(s) - must be identified as the trip leader and approved as such by the same responsible administrator. (Form 1)
  3. The College administrator approving international travel by a group of students must consider and ensure (Form 1) that:
    1. the purpose of the trip is justifiable and consistent with College purposes and goals, College policies, intended learning outcomes, intended student experience and growth, etc.,
    2. the trip leader is aware of and capable of meeting and completing the responsibilities of a trip leader,
    3. the cost of the trip, for the students and the College, is not unreasonable and is consistent with the expected outcomes or results of the trip,
    4. all reasonable considerations and steps have been and will be taken to ensure the health and safety of the trip participants.
  4. The College administrator considering approval of international student travel must consider the travel advisory for the destination issued by the Government of Canada (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada). If the travel advisory is "Exercise a high degree of caution", the administrator must closely review the travel plans and carefully weigh the benefits and risks associated with the travel. For the "Avoid non-essential travel" and "Avoid all travel" advisories, the default decision is to deny the travel request. It is the responsibility of the trip leader to keep the administrator informed of any changes in the status of the travel advisory up to the time of departure.
  5. Any international travel by a group of students in a College-associated activity (including, but not limited to, course travel, international awareness, aid, sports, etc.) must have a trip leader approved by the responsible College administrator.
  6. The trip leader is required to:
    1. obtain approval for the trip from the appropriate College administrator, (Form 1)
    2. prepare and submit the required group documentation for approval of the trip, (Form 1, Form 2)
    3. ensure all individuals who participate in the travel have met all College requirements and completed all required documentation,
    4. ensure that the travel is undertaken and completed consistent with College policies and expectations, and the plan and itinerary established for the travel,
    5. take all reasonable precautions before and during travel to ensure the health and safety of the participants, (Forms 2-5)
    6. inform immediately the appropriate department and administrator within the College of any significant changes in the itinerary or travel arrangements, or any significant adverse events, during the travel,
    7. complete and submit all required documentation, receipts, reports, etc. on the completion of the travel.
  7. The travellers - students, employees, associates - are required, in order to participate in the trip, to:
    1. meet all College requirements and prerequisites, e.g. minimum academic requirements for participation in the travel,
    2. meet all national governments' requirements for travel from, to and within the countries involved in the travel,
    3. meet all College requirements for undertaking the trip, including, but not limited to, immunization, insurance (travel and health), state of health, physical fitness preparations, travel orientation, cultural sensitivity preparation or training, financial payments, completion of documentation, etc.,
    4. complete all documentation required by the College prior to and on completion of the trip in order to ensure compliance with all College requirements,
    5. comply with all College policies, including the Student Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline policy, while travelling,
    6. conduct themselves in a manner that does not jeopardize the health and safety of themselves, their fellow travellers, or the peoples of the countries visited,
    7. conduct themselves in a manner that recognizes and respects the culture and values of the people through whose lands they are travelling,
    8. take all reasonable precautions before, during and after the travel to ensure the health, safety and well-being of themselves and their fellow travellers.

Student Individual Travel

  1. Any international travel by an individual student in, or as part of, a College-associated activity must be approved by the Dean, or College administrator of a higher level, responsible for the program or department organizing, sponsoring or promoting the travel and/or associated activities.
  2. The College administrator approving international travel by an individual student must consider and ensure that:
    1. the purpose of the trip is justifiable and consistent with College purposes and goals, College policies, intended learning outcomes, intended student experience and growth, etc., (Form 6)
    2. the student is aware of and capable of meeting and completing the responsibilities of a trip leader (Form 2) and a College traveller, (Form 7, Form 8)
    3. the cost of the trip, for the student and the College, is not unreasonable and is consistent with the expected outcomes or results of the trip, (Form 6)
    4. all reasonable considerations and steps have been and will be taken by the student to ensure her/his health and safety during the trip.
    5. the travel advisory for the destination issued by the Government of Canada (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada), is acceptable for the benefits and risks for the traveling student and the College. For the "Avoid non-essential travel" and "Avoid all travel" advisories, the default decision is to deny the travel request. (Form 6)
  3. The student undertaking individual international College-approved travel is required to assume the relevant requirements of a “trip leader”, as described above for group travel, and the responsibilities of the “travellers” described above.

Employee Individual Travel

  1. Any international travel by a College employee as an individual or as a member of a group of employees, must be approved prior to travel by his/her responsible administrator at the Dean/Director level or above. (Form 9)
  2. The College administrator approving international travel for an employee(s) must consider and ensure (Form 9) that:
    1. the purpose of the trip is justifiable and consistent with College purposes and goals, business plans, etc.,
    2. the employee is aware of and capable of meeting and completing the responsibilities of a traveling employee,
    3. the cost of the trip is not unreasonable and is consistent with the expected outcomes or results of the trip,
    4. all reasonable considerations and steps have been and will be taken to ensure the health and safety of the traveller, including awareness and consideration of the travel advisory for the destination issued by the government of Canada (Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada). For the "Avoid non-essential travel" and "Avoid all travel" advisories, the default decision is to deny the travel request
  3. The employee undertaking international travel is required to:
    1. obtain approval for the trip prior to travel from the appropriate College administrator,
    2. prepare and submit the required travel documentation for approval of the trip, (Form 9)
    3. meet all College requirements for undertaking the trip, including, but not limited to, insurance (travel and health), state of health and fitness, financial payments, completion of documentation, etc.,
    4. undertake and complete the trip consistent with College policies and expectations, and the plan and itinerary established for the trip,
    5. inform immediately the appropriate department and administrator within the College of any significant changes in the itinerary or travel arrangements, or any significant adverse event, during the travel,
    6. complete and submit all required documentation, receipts, reports, etc. on completion of the travel,
    7. comply with all College policies while travelling,
    8. conduct him/herself in a manner that does not jeopardize the health and safety of self, any fellow travellers, or the peoples of the country visited,
    9. conduct him/herself in a manner that recognizes and respects the culture and values of the local people in the country visited,
    10. take all reasonable precautions before, during and after the travel to ensure the health, safety and well-being of self and any fellow travellers.

Associate Travellers

  1. The participation in travel with College-associated or -approved international travel by any individual who is not an employee or student of the College must be explicitly approved by the Dean, or College administrator of a higher level, responsible for the program or department organizing or sponsoring the trip. Further, the specific individual(s) must be approved by the relevant College administrator (Dean or higher). (Form 10)
  2. The College administrator asked to approve the participation of associate travellers in College-approved or College-associated international travel must consider and ensure (Form 10) that:
    1. the participation of the associate traveller is not inconsistent with or contrary or counterproductive to College purposes and goals, College policies, intended learning outcomes, intended student experience and growth, etc.,
    2. the associate traveller is aware of, capable of meeting, and likely to meet the requirements, responsibilities and expectations of the College for its international travellers,
    3. the associate traveller imposes or induces no additional costs on the College, unless the specific additional costs are explicitly approved by the responsible administrator,
    4. the associate traveller does not, and is not likely to, cause any threat to the health and safety of the other trip participants,
    5. the associate traveller will not detract from or diminish the achievement of the trip goals or outcomes for the College travellers, or impose significant or undue burdens on the trip leader or the other travellers.
  3. The associate traveller is required (Form 11) to:
    1. acknowledge formally the authority of the trip leader on all matters concerning the planning for and execution of the trip, and the care, health and safety of all trip participants,
    2. meet the requirements laid out above for all travellers, including the Student Group travellers.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.