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4000-5-6 Sustainability

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services
Director, Facilities Management
Issue Date October 24, 2011
Supersedes Date June 30, 2019
Last Review January 21, 2021
Last Revision January 21, 2021

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

Institutes of Learning ‐ Colleges ‐ have a tremendous opportunity to influence civic life. Our operational, academic and community connections are strong and broad reaching. Through our values and knowledge we are compelled to improve ecological, economic, social, health and cultural conditions for our students, our employees and our community.

Lambton College defines sustainability as a roadmap of continuous improvement and development that supports innovative solutions and actions in order to help protect and enhance human life and environmental well being. Incorporating sustainability into action will be through consistently initiating new, improving on existing and balancing of all environmental, economic and social priorities set forth within, around and for the College. These actions will be embedded throughout teaching and learning, research, partnerships, operations and infrastructure, and the Lambton community.

As an institution of higher learning, it is our responsibility to contribute, enhance, monitor, model, educate and engage the entire college community on long-term sustainable solutions. 

Lambton College expresses its commitment to sustainability by:

  • Incorporating it into the college's strategic plan;
  • Applying a sustainability lens to operational decision making;
  • Input sustainability into capital and deferred maintenance projects;
  • Embedding sustainability education and experiences that students pursue alongside their disciplinary major;
  • Building effective strategic research partnerships and projects, leading to the development and application of real world solutions to sustainability challenges;
  • Developing a roadmap to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions; and
  • Complying with environmental acts and regulations at the municipal, provincial, national and global levels.

Lambton College honours its sustainability commitment to maximize its contribution to a sustainable future and provides sustainable development leadership through academic activity, operations and involvement in the community.

Lambton College strives for a culture of sustainability that is reflected in the words we use, the policies we make, and the actions we take.


Lambton College will:

  1. Constantly adapt and innovate to the changes brought forth through sustainability.
  2. Integrate present operations and future capital projects, course curriculum and community culture with sustainability measures, training and initiatives. These can pertain to green standards for building, net-zero energy building construction, alternative energy sources, green and energy efficient modes of transportation, sustainable and behavioural change, purchasing of green and environmentally friendly products, integrating sustainability principles in to sports, recreational and other activities, increase the greening of the college's food services, seeking environmental certification, energy efficiencies and measurement and verification.
  3. Embed sustainability education into programs to enhance students' skills and experience enabling them to serve as agents of change, community leaders and responsible global citizens.
  4. Enhance stakeholders' competencies and commitment towards a sustainable future.
  5. Incorporate the principles and best practices of sustainability in corporate documents and reports such as mission statements, strategic plans, annual reports and policies.
  6. Provide a structure that allows for goal setting, target achievement and rewards system on sustainability best practices.
  7. Participate in sustainability networks and consortia, sharing exemplary practices, research, and models.
  8. Work collaboratively with government, non=profits, not-for-profits, businesses and the community to develop new innovative sustainable technologies, processes, products and services and implement joint strategies to move society toward sustainability.

Sustainability is highly showcased in the college's environmental reports which are found on the Corporate Reporting webpage section.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.