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4000-6-2 Bar Services

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services
Director, Finance
Issue Date May 10, 1990
Supersedes Date June 19, 2008
Last Review July 23, 2020
Last Revision July 23, 2020

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.


  1. Alcoholic beverages may only be served and consumed in areas of the college licensed by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) under the Liquor Licence Act. These areas of the college premises are identified on the AGCO Liquor Sales Licences held in the Finance and Procurement department.
  2. As required under the conditions of the college AGCO Liquor Sales Licences, alcoholic beverages may only be served by Smart Serve trained personnel as designated by the college (e.g. Food Service Provider staff, Hospitality Management and Culinary Management students, Event Centre staff, third party catering companies, and faculty.)
  3. Alcoholic beverages may only be served if food is also provided as required by the college AGCO Liquor Sales Licences.
  4. The residence rooms will be exempt from this policy and shall be regulated by residence policies regarding alcohol.

Special Occasion Permit

  1. The college will permit an outside group to apply for a Special Occasion Permit (SOP) for any areas identified on the College AGCO Liquor Sales Licences. Such permission must be obtained in writing from the college at the time the space is booked and prior to the application being submitted for an SOP.
  2. The applicant and the event type must meet the criteria of the AGCO.
  3. The liquor used for the event must be purchased under the authority of the SOP and not from the college.
  4. Under the AGCO Liquor Sales Licences, college departments are restricted from applying for an SOP in areas licensed by the AGCO except for such events as staff parties, family parties and private receptions, provided the event is not advertised to the general public, is limited to invited guests and there is no intention to gain or profit from the event.


  1. Any department or individual wishing to have alcohol served at an event on campus must meet with the appropriate college contact to request the bar services required and arrange all details for the event.
  2. Bar services being charged to a department cost centre must include an account number and be authorized by the cost centre supervisor.
  3. Requests for bar services must be arranged at least 10 days in advance to ensure that the requested service can be provided as required.
  4. Requests made with lead time of less than 10 days will be provided if possible, however the options and schedule of service may be restricted.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.