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4000-6-4 College Owned or Leased Vehicles

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services
Director, Finance and Director, Facilities
Issue Date November 26, 2009
Supersedes Date November 26, 2009
Last Review September 8, 2022
Last Revision September 8, 2022

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.


  1. Vehicles that are owned or leased by Lambton College are to be used for authorized purposes only, and must be operated and maintained in a responsible manner.


Drivers of College Owned/Leased Vehicles

  1. The College may grant approval for staff, students or volunteers to act as the designated driver of college vehicles for College sanctioned purposes if the following criteria are met:
    1. The driver must have a valid G license.
    2. The driver may be asked to provide proof of having their own automobile insurance or be named on one of their guardian’s automobile policies as an insured driver.

Conditions of Use of Lambton College Vehicles (owned or leased):

  1. Use of College vehicles is limited to sanctioned College business only. Personal use of any College vehicle is strictly prohibited.
  2. Fines and tickets associated with the use of a Lambton College vehicle are the financial responsibility of the driver.
  3. All costs associated with an accident are charged to the College and, eventually, to the Department responsible for the vehicle.
  4. In the case of an unauthorized use of a College Vehicle, the driver is responsible for all costs associated with an accident. Unauthorized use of a College vehicle is considered theft and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
  5. Drivers are required to abide by Ontario Distracted Driving Law, Highway Traffic Act, and Motor Vehicle Safety Act.
  6. Drivers are responsible to ensure that smoking is prohibited in College vehicles.
  7. Drivers are responsible to clean the vehicle after use and to return the vehicle with a full tank of fuel.

Drivers’ List and Authorization Form

  1. Each department is required to provide updated lists of authorized drivers to the Finance department by March 15 on an annual basis, along with copies of the driver’s license of each individual listed.
  2. As required, driver’s license information will be forwarded to the College’s insurance carrier. Any personal information collected by Lambton College or the insurance company as part of this undertaking will only be used for insurance purposes. The Finance Department will notify drivers when they have been added to the Approved Drivers’ List. Approved drivers are insured while driving a Lambton College vehicle on College business.
  3. Previously approved drivers are required to give immediate notice to the Finance department in the event of a suspension of license.


  1. Departments are responsible to ensure that vehicles directly under their care are properly maintained and operated in a safe manner at all times.
  2. Other vehicles owned or leased by the College will be designated as under the control of a specific department that will be responsible to ensure that the vehicle is properly maintained and operated in a safe manner according to the following requirements:

Inspection of College Owned Vehicles

  1. Any damage incurred while the vehicle is in the driver’s possession must be reported immediately to the department responsible for the vehicle as well as the Finance Department.

Vehicle Records

  1. Vehicle records must be maintained by the department responsible for the vehicle (maintaining vehicle maintenance, checks/inspection, and use of vehicle by authorized personnel.)
  2. Winter tires are to be installed on all College vehicles during the months of November through April.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.