- Data
- At a broad level, data are facts, measurements, records, recordings or observations considered collectively for reference or analysis (Adapted from: Tri-Agency 204 RDM Policy FAQ). Data can occur in a variety of formats that include but are
not limited to:
- Notebooks
- Text
- Numbers
- Symbols
- Survey responses
- Software & code
- Measurements from laboratory of field equipment (e.g. IR spectra, hygrothermograph charts)
- Images (e.g. photographs, films, scans, autoradiograms)
- Audio recordings
- Physical samples
- Data Deposit
- A form of data preservation. It refers to the transfer of collected research data to a research repository. Data deposits often include accompanying information such as documentation, code, software, metadata, and any supplementary material that provide additional information about the data and context in which the data was collected and used to inform the research project. The preservation of research data is highly contextual and should be guided by disciplinary norms.
- If you submit your data to a repository, or deposit it, this can help ensure that it is preserved. A good repository has stable digital storage backed up on servers so that the items within can last.
- Data Repository
- Refers to a recognized repository where all digital research data, metadata, and code that directly support the research conclusions in journal publications and pre-prints that arise from agency-supported research is stored. The repository should have easily accessible policies that describes the deposit and user licensing, access control, preservation of data procedures, storage and backup practices, and sustainability and succession plans. This supports ongoing data retention and, where appropriate future access to data.
- Data Storage
- Occurs at every stage of the research process. No matter what kind of data you have, it must be stored somewhere! When you are still using and working with your data, this may be referred to as active storage.

- Data Preservation
- A long term consideration for after your project is complete. Where will the data live? How long will you store it? How will you ensure that it is stable and secure? This might be called long-term storage.
- Data Management Plan (DMP)
- A living document that is associated with an individual research project or program consisting of strategies, processes, and practices related to data management and curation on a set of specified topics. DMPs can and should be modified throughout the course of a research project or program to reflect changes that may take place in the design, methods, conduction, and other considerations during the research project. The DMP is a guide for researchers to articulate their plans for managing data and do not necessarily compile researchers to manage data differently (Adapted from Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy, Frequently Asked Questions, Government of Canada 2021).
- Research Data Management
- Refers to “the storage of access to and preservation of data produced from one or more investigations, or from a program of research. Research data management practices cover the entire lifecycle of the data, from planning the investigation to conducting it, and from backing up data as it is created and used to preserving data for the long term after the research has concluded. It also includes data-sharing, where applicable” (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Definition of Terms, Government of Canada 2021).
- Technology Transfer
- Is the process of transferring (disseminating) technology from the person or organization that owns or holds it to another person or organization, in an attempt to transform inventions and scientific outcomes into new products and services that benefit society.
- Publishing
- If a company wants to publish the work completed the college will assist with this endeavour.
- Patents
- The responsibility of filling and applying for a patent is the sole responsibility of the partner company, the college can assist in this but only as an advisor.
- Spin-Off Companies
- Development of a separate company to commercialize the technology.