The following items must be reviewed by all groups who enter into a rental agreement with Lambton College for the use of any facilities. This list should be reviewed prior to submitting a request to rent a facility.
- The college reserves the right to refuse the use of its facilities to external groups.
- External groups must have confirmed authorization before advertising for a scheduled activity.
- The user is responsible for ensuring that participants conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and, for evening and weekend use, that participants vacate the College grounds and building at a reasonable time after the termination of the event.
- The College reserves the right to terminate an agreement at any time should the users demonstrate an inability to abide by the procedures and policies of the College.
- It is the responsibility of the user to confine members of a group to the general area that has been reserved, with the exception of normal use of corridors and washrooms.
- The user is responsible for leaving the facilities and equipment in good order. The college reserves the right to invoice for additional charges as a result of damages to the facility by the user.
- Any teaching/learning experiences or seminars/workshops proposed by an outside organization will be coordinated through the appropriate College departments to ensure that there is no conflict of interest.
- The number of persons allowed into a rented facility must not exceed the capacity of the room to avoid contravention of the orders of the Fire Marshall.
- The college will not be responsible for any personal injury or for the loss or theft of articles of persons attending the function.
- All food must be arranged through the External Scheduler. No food may be brought in from an outside supplier.
- Any electrical equipment brought onto the premises for use must conform to CSA Standards or Ontario Hydro Standards.
- The user indemnifies the College for all claims, actions, losses, suits, costs and damages that may arise out of the use of a designated area.
- College security personnel have complete authority to enforce all College policies; when these policies are ignored, security may close the facility and evict the users.
- All bookings, changes or cancellations must be communicated to the external scheduler. Unless notified within 48 hours, the billing and payment due will reflect the full amount as stated on the Request for College Facilities and Services Form.
- Lambton College is licensed to serve alcoholic beverages on its premises. All Servers are Smart Serve trained and may refuse service to anyone who appears intoxicated. Alcohol services in these facilities must conform to the requirements of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission, the Liquor License Act and this Policy. The Liquor License Act and Regulations provide practical and efficient rules related to serving liquor in Ontario. The Act reflects the commitment of the Ontario Government and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission to the promotion of moderation and responsibility in the sale and service of liquor in licensed establishments.