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Managing Customer Service | BUSF-1600

As a manager, you probably interact with customer service personnel every day. But are you empowering your organization with quality customer service suggestions? In this six-week online course, you'll discover the dynamite methods for bringing out the best in your team, measuring customer service, and learning what you need to do to anticipate the needs of your reps and your customers. As an added bonus, you'll unlock the power of leading by example and setting new trends for customer service in your growing business. You may already understand that top-notch customer service begins with knowing your customers and their needs, but do you know how to evaluate those customers, or better yet, what to do with the data once you have it? We'll take a look at that, as well as identify how your customer service stacks up right now, and how you can build on even the sharpest of service policies. Plus, learn how to communicate, resolve complaints, and foster winning traits in each of your reps, all in six easy weeks.


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