Course Listing
- A+ Essentials - Hardware CSCM-8313
- A+ Essentials-Operating System Software CSCM-8323
- Abnormal Psychology PSY-1703
- Abuse and Family Violence CSCP-0513
- Accounting Theory and Practice I ACC-1004
- Accounting Theory and Practice II ACC-2004
- ACE Registration Guideline FREEM-9020
- Achieving Success With Difficult People PDFF-1070
- Achieving Top Search Engine Position CPTF-1960
- Addictions and Mental Health CMH-1143
- Adhere to Clients' and Families' Rights PSWMR-0210
- Adhere to Professionalism in PSW PSWMR-0320
- Adhere to Safety Measures and Quality Assurance in Food Service FSWMR-1010
- Administrative Assistant Applications BUSF-1740
- Administrative Assistant Fundamentals BUSF-1750
- Adobe Illustrator - Digital Illustration & Design CPT-1253
- Adobe InDesign Basics CSCM-1473
- Adult Learning CTA-1003
- Adults With Learning Disabilities AED-1063
- Advanced CompTIA A+ Certification Prep CPTF-2290
- Advanced Financial Accounting CSCM-1304
- Advanced Grant Proposal Writing BUSF-1760
- Advanced Interior Decorating IDEC-2003
- Advanced Medical Transcription MED-1293
- Advanced Microsoft Excel CPTF-1530
- Advanced Python PRGR-3003
- Agile Methodologies BUS-3011
- Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps Inspection HOM-1103
- Alignment and Assessment Strategies CTA-1203
- Alternative Dispute Resolution ADR-1003
- Alternative Interventions CMH-1233
- Anatomy and Physiology PHR-1093
- Anatomy and Physiology PSW - PN PSPN-1003
- Anger Management CSCM-0973
- Animal Husbandry II VET-1213
- Antiques and Furniture Styles IDEC-1053
- Applied Hydraulics for Water and Wastewater Operations CSCM-1074
- Applied Math for Water and Wastewater Operations CSCM-1194
- Apply Strategies to Practice Personal Hygiene in Food Service FSWMR-0080
- Apply the Code of Ethics for Personal Support Workers PSWMR-0200
- Applying Statistics STA-1013
- Apprenticeship Math - ACE MATHF-0110
- Arrhythmia Interpretation CSCM-0742
- Artificial Intelligence CSCP-1523
- Assembly, Wrapping and Packaging STR-1042
- Assessment and Evaluation CTA-1043
- Assist With Medication Administration PSWMR-0170
- Astronomy CSCM-1023
- Auditing I CSCM-7613
- Auditing II CSCM-7623
- Autocad for Interior Design IDEC-1073
- Basic Animal Husbandry VET-1203
- Basic CompTIA A+ Certification Prep CPTF-2270
- Basic Veterinary Pharmacology VET-2113
- BCRSP-CPD Mandatory Ethics Program RSTH-2000
- Become a Veterinary Assistant BUSF-1770
- Beginning Conversational French LNGF-1050
- Beginning Medical Transcription MED-1193
- Behavioural Skill Building AUT-6004
- Biology - ACE BIOLF-0100
- Blogging and Podcasting for Beginners PDFF-1440
- Bridging Two Worlds - Connecting with Indigenous Peoples of Canada CSCP-1353
- Build Therapeutic Relationships With Clients, Families & Healthcare Team PSWMR-0190
- Building Capacity for Inclusion LDP-1013
- Building Teams That Work BUSF-1000
- Building/Maintaining Customer Relations CSCM-3163
- Business Analysis and Assessment I DTA-1013
- Business Analysis and Assessment II DTA-2013
- Business Analysis Introduction BUS-3003
- Business and Marketing Writing BUSF-1820
- Business Case Development BUS-3041
- Business Communications II CSCM-5263
- Business Continuity for Supply Chain CSCP-1193
- Business English Skills I ENG-1244
- Business Facilitation and Communication BUS-3113
- Business Law LAW-1003
- Business Math - ACE MATHF-0120
- Business Mathematics MTH-1002
- Business Mathematics I MTH-1223
- Business Organization and Management MAN-1013
- Business Planning for Tradespersons BUS-1253
- Business Process Modeling & Improvement BUS-3103
- Business Report Writing CSCM-5213
- Business Statistics STA-1103
- Business Writing Strategies CSCM-3253
- Calculus CSCP-3834
- Canada's First Nations People CLTR-1013
- Canadian Law and Provincial Legislation LSA-2103
- Canadian Literature AIS-2003
- Capacity Building and Knowledge Exchange In Addictions and Mental Health CMH-1403
- Capstone DTA-3084
- Capstone Information Security Project ISN-2104
- Career Mapping and Job Attainment CSCP-1403
- CCNA 1 Introduction CPT-1165
- CCNA 2 Essentials CPT-1175
- Ccna 3 - Enterprise Networks Networks CPT-1185
- Cellular Processes BIO-1114
- Censorship and You MDF-1103
- Certificate in Stress Management PDFF-1010
- Chemical Dependency and Substance Use And Abuse CMH-1343
- Chemistry - ACE CHEMF-0100
- Child Development I CSCM-7643
- Child Development II CSCM-7653
- Childhood Victimization VIC-2003
- Children With Special Needs CSCP-0503
- Classroom Skills CSCM-5903
- Client-side Programming CPD-2282
- Coaching and Developing People CSCP-0902
- Cognitive Development CSCP-0583
- Collaborative Framework: Working With SME's IDSN-1033
- Colour & Application IDEC-1103
- Comfort Measures CSCM-1282
- Communication and Customer Service FSWP-1023
- Communication and Interpersonal Skills (Dementia Care) DEM-1602
- Communication Fundamentals COM-1253
- Communication/Professional Practices HOM-1203
- Communications - ACE ENGF-0100
- Communications for Business COM-2013
- Communications for Leadership LDS-1012
- Community Services and Supports in AMH CMH-1363
- Compassion Fatigue, Self-Care and Professional VIC-2022
- Compensation HRM-4004
- CompTIA Network+ Certification Prep CPTF-2300
- Computer Applications for Business I CSCM-0983
- Computer Applications in Quality Assurance CSCM-4933
- Computer Forensics and Investigation ISN-1803
- Computer Skills - ACE COMPF-0100
- Computer Skills for the Workplace CPTF-1100
- Computer/Keyboarding Skills I CPT-1133
- Computerized Accounting ACC-2403
- Computers in Education EDUC-1053
- Concurrent Disorders CSCP-1743
- Conflict Management PFP-4053
- Construction Blueprints and Methods CON-1103
- Construction Contract Bid Management CON-1403
- Construction Contracts and Documents CSCM-8222
- Construction Job Site Management CON-1503
- Contemporary Canadian Issues SOC-1303
- Contemporary Canadian Social Problems CLTR-1063
- Continuous Improvement Process CSCM-0092
- Conversational French I FRE-1003
- Conversational French II FRE-2003
- Conversational French III FRE-3003
- Conversational French IV FRE-4003
- Conversational Japanese LNGF-1000
- Core Math - ACE MATHF-0100
- Corporate Law Applied LAW-2293
- Corporate Law Procedures CSCM-8563
- Cost & Managerial Accounting I ACC-3213
- Course Design for Hybrid Delivery IDSN-1013
- Create a Basic eLearning Module With Storyline ASLN-1000
- Create a PSW Focused Cover Letter and Resume PSWMR-0250
- Create Interactive eLearning Elements With Storyline ASLA-2000
- Create Therapeutic Diet Meal Plans FSWMR-0190
- Creating a Classroom Web Site PDFF-1270
- Creating a Corporate Service Culture CSCM-4362
- Creating a Successful Business Plan BUSF-1620
- Creating Mobile Apps with HTML5 CPTF-2210
- Creating Web Pages CPTF-1970
- Creating Wordpress Websites CPTF-1980
- Creative Writing - Beginners CSCM-1502
- Criminal Psychology - Psychopathic Minds PSY-1753
- Criminal Psychology II - Criminal Minds PSY-1713
- Criminology CJP-1203
- Crisis Intervention LSA-2063
- Critical and Creative Thinking LDS-1102
- Critical and Ethical Decision Making PHL-1303
- Critical Thinking and Writing COM-1013
- CRM and Selling CSCP-0543
- Cults and Terrorism CSCP-0853
- Cultural Diversity in an Educational Setting CSCP-0053
- Curriculum Development CTA-1073
- Customer Service and Ethics PHL-1213
- Cyberpsychology: Self and Others in Wired World PSU-3003
- Data Analysis Tools for Analytics DTA-1054
- Data Collection and Data Management DTA-1043
- Dealing With Difficult People MGMA-0432
- Death & Dying in Crisis Intervention CSCP-1712
- Decontamination Principles, Procedures and Practices STR-1033
- Dental Terminology MED-1113
- Design Basics CPT-1153
- Designing Effective Websites CPTF-2340
- Designing Kitchens and Bathrooms IDEC-1093
- Designing/Implementing/Managing a Gis SYS-1203
- Desktop Publishing for Business CSCM-7474
- Determine Food Purchasing and Storage Requirements FSWMR-0120
- Developing a Graphic Design Portfolio CSCM-1403
- Developing a Social Media Strategy SOCM-1073
- Developing Client Service Teams CSCM-9683
- Developing Effective Teams CSCM-7992
- Digital Communication CSCP-1283
- Digital Marketing SOCM-1043
- Digital Pedagogy CSCP-1483
- Digital Presence for Today's Business SOCM-1223
- Discover Digital Photography ARTF-1020
- Discover Sign Language PDFF-1450
- Discover Sign Language II PDFF-1540
- Discovering Children's Literature AIS-3823
- Disinfection and Sterilization Concepts and Techniques STR-1053
- Diversity and First Nations People CLTR-1023
- Diversity and Victim Assistance VIC-2012
- Domestic and Workplace Violence CSCP-0873
- Domestic Violence CSCP-1722
- Donor Relationships in Fundraising FDL-1043
- Drawing for Absolute Beginners ARTF-1000
- Drawing Realistic Subjects in Coloured Pencil CSCM-8862
- Drawing Realistic Subjects in Pencil CSCM-5722
- Dreamweaver Advanced CSCM-6872
- Dreamweaver Webpage Authoring CSCM-6862
- Effective Business Writing BUSF-1010
- Effective Selling BUSF-1060
- eLearning Tools AED-1083
- Electrical Inspection HOM-1303
- Emergency Management EMR-1013
- Emergency on Planet Earth SCU-4703
- Emerging Trends & Innovation in Trades MTR-3003
- Employability Skills: Career Exploration FREE-0360
- Employability Skills: Interview Preparation FREE-0390
- Employability Skills: Job Search and Networking FREE-0380
- Employability Skills: Resumes and Cover Letters FREE-0370
- Employment Law HRM-3103
- Employment Law for Leadership Development LDS-1022
- Empowering Students With Disabilities PDFF-1020
- Energy Resources AET-1003
- Ensuring Successful Printing Results CSCP-0932
- Entrepreneurship ENT-1303
- Environment and You STE-1003
- Environmental Geology CSCM-1013
- Environmental Laws and Regulations CSCP-0703
- Environmental Services CSCM-9333
- Environmental Site Assessment and Reporting CSCP-0533
- Ergonomics and Disability Management for OHN OHN-1023
- Ergonomics I OHS-1103
- Essentials Health Records Management MED-1123
- Essentials in Writing Fiction CSCM-0213
- Ethical / Legal and Spiritual Concerns CSCM-1273
- Ethical Hacking and Network Defense ISN-1303
- Ethical Issues in Business BUS-1413
- Ethical Practice and Professionalism In Mental Health and Addictions CMH-1373
- Ethics and Professionalism AUT-5042
- Excel - Expert CPT-1273
- Excel Core CPT-1093
- Exercise Physiology FHP-2013
- Exterior Inspection HOM-1403
- Fabrics and Window Treatments IDEC-1043
- Family Relationships and Their Impact on Psychiatric Disorders CMH-2023
- Field to Fork: Introduction to Local and Global Food Systems SUF-1003
- Finance LDS-1072
- Finance & Accounting ACC-3143
- Finance and Accounting Math MTH-2254
- Finance for Non-Financial Managers BMN-1013
- Financial Management (retirement Communities/Long-Term Care) CSCM-1113
- Financial Management I FIN-1203
- Financial Management II FIN-2203
- Fire Protection FPT-1003
- Floor Plans, Space Planning and Presentations IDEC-1013
- Food Security and Food Justice in Canada and Global Food Systems SUF-1043
- Foundations in Education CSCM-6383
- Foundations of ECE ECE-1102
- French 5 CSCM-0683
- Fundamental of Caregiving Development Perspective CSCP-1943
- Fundamental Skill Consolidation - Paramedic Leadership CSCP-0911
- Fundamentals of Business Statistics STA-1033
- Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship SCU-1603
- Fundamentals of Quality Assurance CSCM-4012
- Fundamentals of Supervision & Mgmt II BUSF-1630
- Fundamentals of Supervision and Management BUSF-1160
- Fundamentals of Technical Writing BUSF-1020
- Fundraising As Management Process FDL-1023
- Gaming and Gender: Digital Divide? SCUD-1003
- Gender and Sexuality in World History SCUD-1013
- Genealogy Basics PDFF-1180
- General Plant Identification CSCP-2013
- Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing CSCM-6783
- Get Assertive! PDFF-1080
- Get Funny! PDFF-1090
- GIS Software - Arcview Vs 3.1 CSCM-1693
- Global Citizenship CSCP-1423
- Global Citizenship: Social Analysis to Social Action CSCP-0333
- Grammar for Writing Professionals CSCM-1923
- Group Exercise Leadership FHP-3203
- Growing Up Digital - Living and Working CSCM-0633
- Guidance of the Young Child CSCM-5203
- Hacker Techniques, Tools, and Incident Handling ISN-1604
- Handle Conduct and Culture in the Food Service Workplace FSWMR-0070
- Handle Tranfers, Falls, Ambulation and Safety PSWMR-0140
- Handling Medical Emergencies PDFF-1250
- Happy and Healthy Pregnancy PDFF-1460
- Health and Safety Legislation (OHN) OHN-1013
- Health and Safety Management for OHN OHN-1053
- Health Assessment (OHN) OHN-1073
- Health Assessment PSW - PN PSPN-1044
- Health Assessment Theory Review For Nurses CSCM-1483
- Health in the Workplace OHN-1043
- Healthy Adult Aging CSCM-0643
- Healthy Aging PDFF-1430
- Heating Inspection I HOM-1503
- Heating Inspection II HOM-2503
- High Speed Project Management CPTF-1340
- History of Indigenous Canadian Relations CLTR-1003
- Hockey Hall of Fame Presents CSCM-8113
- Hospitality Facility Management CSCM-9023
- How to Get Started in Game Development CPTF-1990
- How to Start a Small Business BUS-1132
- HTML Introduction CPT-1263
- Human Anatomy and Physiology CSCM-9134
- Human Anatomy and Physiology SCIF-1000
- Human Anatomy and Physiology II SCIF-1100
- Human Anatomy and Physiology II NSG-2183
- Human Behaviour in the Workplace MAN-1173
- Human Growth and Development HGD-1013
- Human Relations for Leadership LDS-1032
- Human Resource Planning HRM-3603
- Human Resources & Labour Relations In the Retirement Community CSCM-1123
- Human Resources Research and Information Systems HRM-3703
- Human Rights Law I PSU-3203
- Human Sexuality PSY-1723
- Human Trafficking: Indicators and Intervention CSCP-1973
- I Write the Songs CSCP-1393
- Impulse Control Disorders and Behavioural Addiction CMH-1193
- Income Tax Planning FIN-1073
- Indigenous Identity in Relation to Land SCU-4003
- Indigenous Peoples - A Global Perspective CSCP-0353
- Indigenous Peoples: Understanding and Reducing Victimization VIC-1042
- Indigenous Songs and Stories SCU-2013
- Individual Excellence BUSF-1090
- Industrial Hygiene OHS-1063
- Information Referral, Family and Individual Support Services for Newcomer CSCP-1763
- Instant Italian LNGF-1010
- Instruct. Design - Methods of Delivery CTA-1033
- Instructional Design for Online Learning CSCP-1443
- Instructional Design Principles IDSN-1003
- Integrating Technology in the Classroom PDFF-1280
- Intercultural Communications CLTR-1033
- Interior Materials and Surfaces IDEC-1033
- Interior/Insulation Inspection HOM-1603
- Intermediate Accounting I ACC-3804
- Intermediate Accounting II ACC-4804
- Intermediate CompTIA A+ Certification Prep CPTF-2280
- Intermediate Microsoft Access 2019/ Office 365 CPTF-1540
- Intermediate Microsoft Excel 2019 /Office 365 CPTF-1570
- Intermediate Microsoft Word 2019/OFFICE 365 CPTF-2460
- Intermediate Python Programming Building & Packaging an Application PRGR-2003
- Intermediate SQL CPTF-2130
- Intermediate WordPress Websites CPTF-2350
- Internet Mapping CSCM-3793
- Interpersonal and Group Dynamics PSY-1203
- Interpersonal Communication BUSF-1030
- Interviewing/Investigation PFP-3043
- Intro to Assistive Technology CTA-2003
- Intro to Computers CSCM-3443
- Intro to E-Business CSCM-2543
- Intro to International Business INT-1043
- Intro to Political Science SCUD-1023
- Intro to the Legal Environment LAW-1283
- Intro to Trauma Informed Practice HCA-1083
- Introduction to Applied Behaviour Analysis AUT-5004
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence CPTF-2530
- Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder AUT-5013
- Introduction to Biology BIO-1053
- Introduction to Biology SCIF-1010
- Introduction to Business BUS-1023
- Introduction to Business Analysis BUSF-1100
- Introduction to C#/.Net CPD-2254
- Introduction to Chemistry SCIF-1020
- Introduction to Complementary Therapies PSU-3103
- Introduction to Computers II CSCM-6683
- Introduction to Cost Estimating CON-1203
- Introduction to CSS and XHTML CPTF-1330
- Introduction to Data Analysis DTA-1033
- Introduction to Digital Scrapbooking CPTF-1690
- Introduction to Drama SCUD-1033
- Introduction to Environmental Management ENV-1013
- Introduction to Fundraising FDL-1013
- Introduction to Geographic Information Systems CSCM-1583
- Introduction to Geology: An Overview of Planet Earth CSCM-9043
- Introduction to Google Analytics CPTF-2200
- Introduction to Guitar PDFF-1200
- Introduction to Interior Decorating IDEC-1003
- Introduction to Journaling WRIF-1030
- Introduction to Lightroom CC CPTF-2190
- Introduction to Microsoft Access 2019/ Office 365 CPTF-2430
- Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2019/ Office 365 CPTF-2440
- Introduction to Microsoft Outlook 2019/ Office 365 CPTF-2450
- Introduction to Microsoft Powerpoint 2019 Office 365 CPTF-2470
- Introduction to Microsoft Project 2019 Office 365 CPTF-2480
- Introduction to Microsoft Word 2019/ Office 365 CPTF-2490
- Introduction to Natural Health and Healing PDFF-1470
- Introduction to Networking PDFF-1490
- Introduction to Nutrition FSWP-1153
- Introduction to PC Security CPTF-2330
- Introduction to PC Troubleshooting CPTF-2090
- Introduction to Petrology (Rocks) CSCM-9083
- Introduction to Pharmacology CSCM-2463
- Introduction to Philosophy SCU-4503
- Introduction to Photoshop CC CPTF-2140
- Introduction to Project Management CPT-4333
- Introduction to Psychology CSCM-1713
- Introduction to Python Programming PRGR-1003
- Introduction to Quickbooks Online CPTF-2380
- Introduction to Research Design CSCP-0343
- Introduction to Social Media SOCM-1013
- Introduction to Social Media SOCM-1083
- Introduction to Social Problems CMH-1003
- Introduction to SQL CPTF-1020
- Introduction to Sustainable Development SUS-1003
- Introduction to the PSW to Practical Nursing Pathway FREEM-9030
- Japanese I CSCM-0043
- Keyboarding CPTF-2360
- Keys to Effective Communication BUSF-1040
- Labour Economics ECO-3123
- Labour Relations HRM-2304
- Leadership BUSF-1680
- Leadership in a Team Environment CSCM-7013
- Leadership in Contemporary Workplaces LDP-1003
- Leading Responsibly LDS-1092
- Leading Teams LDS-1052
- Learn to Buy and Sell on Ebay BUSF-1120
- Learning Strategies - Learning How to Learn CSCP-0473
- Legal Accounting Procedures LAW-1253
- Legal and Ethical Issues in IT Security ISN-1403
- Legal Office Procedures LAW-1233
- Legal Office Transcription LAW-1243
- Legal Terminology LAW-1222
- Legislation for Health and Safety OHS-1033
- Let's Start Ojibwe CSCP-1433
- Let's Talk Sports CSCM-8153
- Lifestyle Coaching FHP-3003
- Lighting and Accessories IDEC-1023
- Linux, Firewalls and VPNs ISN-1504
- Listen to Your Heart, Success Will Follow PDFF-1110
- Litigation/Small Claims/Family/Criminal Law Applied LAW-2263
- Litigation/Small Claims/Family/Criminal Law Procedures LAW-1263
- LMS Platforms CSCP-1453
- Lose Weight and Keep It Off PDFF-1120
- LSAT Preparation Part 1 PDFF-1380
- LSAT Preparation Part 2 PDFF-1390
- Luscious Low-Fat Lightening-Quick Meals PDFF-1040
- Macroeconomics ECO-1113
- Management Accounting II ACC-4204
- Management Information Systems CSCM-1213
- Management Information Systems - Logistics CSCM-8283
- Management Labour Concerns in O.H.S OHS-1052
- Managerial Cost Accounting II CSCM-1243
- Managing a Diverse Learning Environment CSCM-0882
- Managing an eLearning Project SYS-1013
- Managing Change LDS-1062
- Managing Customer Service BUSF-1600
- Managing Performance LDS-1042
- Marketing for Supply Chain Management CSCP-1173
- Marketing I MKT-1003
- Marketing II MKT-2003
- Marketing Your Nonprofit BUSF-1700
- Mastering Public Speaking PDFF-1210
- Mastering Your Digital SLR Camera ARTF-1030
- Materials Estimating and Methods CON-1303
- Math for Practical Nurses PSW - PN PSPN-1023
- Mathematics for Technology III MTH-3903
- Mathematics for Technology IV MTH-4903
- Measure and Monitor Vital Signs PSWMR-0160
- Medical Conditions for Medical Office Professionals MDL-1113
- Medical Keyboarding KEY-1033
- Medical Office Procedures OFP-1033
- Medical OHIP Billing MED-1133
- Medical Terminology MDL-1103
- Medical Terminology - Level 2 MDL-1203
- Medical Transcription Fundamentals MED-1093
- Men as Victims Reducing Victimization VIC-1062
- Mental Health & Society Health Issues CMH-1393
- Mental Health and Addiction Foundations CMH-1283
- Mental Health Literacy SCU-1023
- Merrill Ream Speed Reading PDFF-1140
- Meteorology CSCM-1033
- Methods of Fundraising FDL-1033
- Metrology - Quality Assurance CSCM-6802
- Microeconomics ECO-1123
- Microsoft Access Core CSCP-1023
- Microsoft Excel - Pivot Tables CPTF-2100
- Microsoft Office for Health Care Professionals HCA-1043
- Microsoft Powerpoint CSCM-2002
- Microsoft Word - Expert CSCP-1013
- Mobile Application Security Design ISN-1703
- Motivational Interviewing & Change Theory Practice CMH-1313
- Mourning, Grief & Bereavement - Reactions and Responses to Death CSCP-1332
- Multimedia for eLearning Developers CSCP-1493
- Music in Our Lives CSCP-1343
- Music Made Easy ARTF-1010
- Mystery Writing WRIF-1070
- Myths and Legends SOC-1313
- Network Security and Penetration Testing ISN-2003
- Nursing Professionalism PSW-PN PSPN-1013
- Nursing Theory Bridge PSW-PN PSPN-1031
- Nutrition SCI-1103
- Nutrition in Health Care FSWP-1163
- Occupational Health and Health Surveillance OHN-1003
- Occupational Health and Safety OHS-1023
- Occupational Health Nursing Introduction OHN-1063
- Oceanography CSCM-0063
- Office Technology and Procedures WDP-1063
- OHN Independent Study OHN-1034
- Operating a Trades Business TRD-1023
- Operating Engineering Practical Time - 1 month OEPT-1002
- Operating Engineering Practical Time - 3 Months OEPT-1003
- Operating Systems Security - Windows ISN-1204
- Operational Overview CSCM-9323
- Operations Management MAN-1033
- Organizational Behaviour MAN-1163
- Orientation to Palliative Care CSCM-5172
- Outlook Level I CPT-1241
- Overview Dementia Care DEM-1502
- Palliative Care Communications - COPC ONC-3072
- Palliative Care Communications - OPNC ONC-3062
- Parent and Staff Training AUT-6012
- Payroll Administration ACC-2283
- Perioperative Nursing I PERI-1013
- Perioperative Nursing II PERI-1023
- Perioperative Nursing III PERI-1033
- Perioperative Nursing IV PERI-1043
- Personal Finance Management CSCM-2723
- Personal Success MGMA-0292
- Personality Psychology SCU-4603
- Pharmacology - Medical Office Professionals MDL-1143
- Pharmacology for Nurses RPNB-1013
- Philosophy of Art Concepts and Theories CSCM-7443
- Photoshop CC for the Digital Photographer CPTF-2120
- Photoshop I CPT-1293
- Photoshop II CPT-2293
- Physics - ACE PHYSF-0100
- Plan and Develop Menus for Long Term Care Facilities FSWMR-0110
- Plan Menus for Varying Health Conditions FSWMR-0180
- Plumbing Inspection HOM-1703
- Poetry Writing CSCM-3573
- Political Structure and Public Administration POL-1303
- Popular Music and Society CSCP-1043
- Practice and Perform Good Hygiene In Care PSWMR-0130
- Practise Within the Role of Personal Support Worker PSWMR-0180
- Presentations and Desktop Publishing CSCM-6272
- Prevention and Intervention Strategies In Children's Mental Health CMH-1123
- Principle of Sales CSCM-5443
- Principles of Information Security ISN-1003
- Principles of Quality Assurance CSCM-6892
- Professional and Personal Social Media Branding SOCM-1112
- Professional Ethics in Addictions CSCP-1752
- Project Contracting, Procurement and Quality Management EPM-1092
- Project Leadership CSCM-8303
- Project Management LDS-1082
- Project Management for Analytics BDM-3023
- Project Management for Course Design SYS-1003
- Project Management Fundamentals CPTF-1260
- Project Management Scheduling Software CSCM-4783
- Promote Health for Clients With Varying Ages PSWMR-0280
- Promote Wellness for Clients With Disabilities PSWMR-0220
- Provide Culturally Sensitive Care to Families PSWMR-0230
- Provide Quality Customer Meal Service FSWMR-0060
- Psych Disorders CSCP-0603
- Psychological and Social Implications CSCP-0822
- Psychology-Learning, Thinking, Problem Solving PSY-1733
- Publish and Sell Your E-Books WRIF-1170
- Purchasing SCHN-1003
- Quality Assurance and Course Evaluation IDSN-1023
- Quality Dining Room Service in Long-Term Care and Retirement Homes CSCP-0312
- Quantitative Methods STA-1023
- Quantity Food Preparation FSWP-1143
- Quickbooks II CSCM-6553
- Quickbooks Online CSCP-1503
- Real Estate Applied CSCP-1803
- Real Estate Procedures CSCP-1903
- Recognize and Report Signs of Abuse Or Neglect PSWMR-0260
- Recognize Basic Physiology and Nutrition FSWMR-0140
- Recognize Nutritional Needs Throughout The Lifecycle FSWMR-0160
- Recognize the Healthcare System FSWMR-0010
- Recognize the Role of Nutrition In Aging FSWMR-0170
- Recruiting and Selection HRM-3403
- Relational Database Management Systems CSCP-1603
- Remote Sensing SYS-1303
- Resident Centered Care CSCM-9943
- Restoration Ecology ENV-1073
- Resume Writing Workshop PDFF-1150
- Retirement Planning FIN-1133
- Risk Factors of Common Psychiatric Disorders in the Infant, Child and Adolescent Populations CSCP-0593
- Risk Management and Estate Planning FIN-1083
- Risk Mitigation CSCP-1183
- RN - Coronary Care 1 CSCM-0712
- RN - Coronary Care II CSCM-0722
- Role of the Food Service Worker FSWP-1013
- Roofing Inspection HOM-1803
- Safety & Life Skills for Newcomers CSCP-1773
- Safety in an Education Setting CSCM-6373
- Sales & Business Practices IDEC-1083
- Sales and Marketing CSCM-0913
- Sanitation and Safety FSWP-1133
- SAT Preparation Part 1 PDFF-1360
- SAT Preparation Part 2 PDFF-1370
- Science Fiction CSCM-8123
- Science of Popular Diets CSCP-1063
- Secrets of the Caterer BUSF-1130
- Secrets to Better Photography CPTF-2230
- Security Policies ISN-1103
- Security+ Certification SYS-1104
- Selected Themes in Canadian History SCUD-1093
- Self-Direction - ACE SKLSF-0100
- Selling MKT-3403
- Six Sigma: Total Quality Applications BUSF-1660
- Skills for Making Great Decisions PDFF-1160
- Small Business Financial Management CSCM-8004
- Small Business Marketing on a Shoestring BUSF-1170
- Social Entrepreneurship CSCP-1983
- Social Media and Professional Identity SCUD-1103
- Social Media Marketing Management CSCM-2483
- Social Psychology PSY-1673
- Society and Technology and Social Issues CSCP-0663
- Sociology I SOC-1003
- Sociology II SOC-2003
- Spacial Database Management and Integration CSCP-1703
- Special Topics in Online Course Design CSCP-1273
- Specialized Instructional Strategies AUT-5024
- Speed Spanish LNGF-1020
- Speed Spanish II LNGF-1030
- Speed Spanish III LNGF-1040
- Start a Pet Sitting Business BUSF-1140
- Start and Operate Your Own Home-Based Business BUSF-1180
- Start Your Own Arts and Crafts Business BUSF-1190
- Start Your Own Edible Garden PDFF-1240
- Start Your Own Gift Basket Business BUSF-1150
- Start Your Own Online Business BUSF-1800
- Start Your Own Small Business BUSF-1640
- Starting a Nonprofit BUSF-1830
- Statistical and Predictive Modelling for Analytics I DTA-1024
- Statistical and Predictive Modelling for Analytics II DTA-2024
- Statistics for Technology STA-1903
- Sterile Storage, Inventory Control STR-1062
- Strategic HR Management HRM-1903
- Strategic Investment Planning FIN-1093
- Strategic Management of Campaigns FDL-1053
- Strategic Planning CSCM-1133
- Strategies for Fostering Client Loyalty CSCM-9673
- Stress, Wellness and Nutrition PED-1083
- Structural Inspection HOM-1903
- Supervisory Skills for Business & Industry CSCP-0892
- Supply Chain Accounting CSCP-1163
- Supply Chain Administration CSCM-8293
- Support Clients and Families With Mental Illnesses PSWMR-0270
- Support Clients With Cardiovascular Conditions PSWMR-0040
- Support Clients With Central Nervous System Conditions PSWMR-0070
- Support Clients With Dementia Or Delirium PSWMR-0240
- Support Clients With Eating Using Adaptive Aids PSWMR-0150
- Support Clients With Endocrine Conditions PSWMR-0080
- Support Clients With Gastrointestinal Conditions PSWMR-0030
- Support Clients with Genital-Urinary Conditions PSWMR-0060
- Support Clients With Immune Related Conditions PSWMR-0100
- Support Clients With Musculo-Skeletal Conditions PSWMR-0020
- Support Clients With Respiratory Conditions PSWMR-0050
- Support Clients with Skin Conditions PSWMR-0010
- Support Clients With Special Senses PSWMR-0090
- Support Families With Children With Developmental Disorders PSWMR-0300
- Support New Mothers and Infants PSWMR-0290
- Support Older Adults With Rehabilitation PSWMR-0310
- Surveying an Introduction CSCM-3684
- Taxation I FIN-1114
- Taxation II FIN-2113
- Teaching Students with ADHD PDFF-1500
- Teaching Students with Autism: Strategies for Success PDFF-1510
- Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities PDFF-1520
- Technical Math - ACE MATHF-0130
- Technical Mathematics I CSCP-1834
- Technical Mathematics II CSCP-2834
- The Business of Tomorrow CSCM-0592
- The History of Brewing CSCP-0573
- The History of Chocolate CSCP-1053
- The Keys to Effective Editing WRIF-1080
- The Legalization of Cannabis in Canada CANB-1003
- The Middle Ages and the Modern World: Facts and Fiction CSCP-0393
- The Ontario Metis CSCP-0423
- The Short Story CSCM-2573
- The Video Game West Management CSCM-1183
- Total Quality Fundamentals BUSF-1670
- Total Quality Management CSCM-6502
- Training and Development HRM-3203
- Transcription Styles and Practice MED-1083
- Transition Planning and Implementation AUT-6032
- Transition to Practical Nursing Theory PSPN-1051
- Transition to Practice - Mandatory Lab Preparation FREEM-9010
- Transportation and Warehousing CSCM-9363
- Travel Writing WRIF-1150
- Treating Challenging Behaviours AUT-6023
- Truth and Reconciliation CLTR-1093
- Twelve Steps to a Successful Job Search PDFF-1170
- Understanding Literature CSCM-4473
- Understanding Medical Tests: Medical Office Staff MDL-1133
- Understanding Pharmacology CSCP-0523
- Understanding Surgical Procedures for Medical Office Staff MDL-1123
- Universal Design for Learning and Accessibility for Online Learning AED-1073
- Use Canada's Food Guide to Develop Menus FSWMR-0150
- Use Instructional Design Concepts to Create a Short eLearning Course ASLE-3000
- Use Nutritional Supplements to Increase Nutrition FSWMR-0200
- Use Observation and Documentation Skills In Care PSWMR-0110
- Use Personal Protective Equipment In Care PSWMR-0120
- Use Safe Food Handling Techniques FSWMR-0090
- Use Strategies to Improve Quality In Nutrition FSWMR-0210
- Using Social Media in Business BUSF-1650
- Using the Internet in the Classroom PDFF-1290
- Veterinary Anaesthesia VET-2203
- Veterinary Assistant II - Canine BUSF-1780
- Veterinary Assistant III - Practical Skills BUSF-1790
- Veterinary Lab Procedures VET-2103
- Veterinary Office Skills and Procedures VET-1113
- Veterinary Surgical Procedures VET-2213
- Veterinary Terminology VET-1103
- Victim Assistance Services Intervention VIC-2043
- Victimization and the Law VIC-1023
- Victimology: Assessment and Intervention VIC-2033
- Victimology: Theoretical Perspectives VIC-1003
- Victims and the Media VIC-1052
- Victims Of Crime VIC-1013
- Violence Against Women VIC-1033
- Visualization, Leadership and Business Communications II DTA-2004
- Visualization, Leadership, and Business Communications I DTA-1004
- Volunteer Management - Administration CSCP-1263
- Volunteer Management - Spectrum of Engagement CSCP-1253
- Volunteer Management Foundations CSCP-1243
- Westerns: A Study in the Film Genre CSCP-1413
- What in the World Is Going On? CSCM-8143
- Where Does All My Money Go? PDFF-1550
- Wills and Estates Law Applied LAW-1273
- Wills and Estates Law Procedures CSCM-8553
- Wireless and Mobile Device Security ISN-1903
- Word Core CSCP-1913
- Working in a Medical Setting MDL-1153
- Working With Diversity CSCM-0133
- Working With Families and Teams AUT-5033
- Working With Youth and Families CYW-1053
- Workplace Communications COM-1113
- World Civilizations: 16th Century to Modern Times SCUD-1113
- Write Effective Web Content WRIF-1160
- Write Professional Electronic Communications for the Workplace COMMR-0100
- Write Your Life Story PDFF-1050
- Writing Essentials BUSF-1050
- Writing for Publication I CSCM-1703
- Writing for Publications II CSCM-2123
- Writing for the Web SOCM-1063
- Writing Grammatically COM-1233
- Written Business Communication ENG-3123