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Start Your Own Small Business | BUSF-1640

Learn how to take your dream of starting a business and put it into action. In this class, you'll learn everything you need to know about starting a business. You'll begin by discovering the tricks to picking the right opportunity for you. Next, you'll learn how to develop proven marketing techniques to easily build sales. Since every business needs money, we'll discuss traditional and nontraditional financing options. Finally, you'll learn easy-to-implement employee-management procedures and how to write business policies that help you build your business.

You, as a business owner, need to manage all your limited resources. One resource that often gets overlooked is your time. In the final lesson, you'll learn time-management techniques especially for entrepreneurs. While taking this course, you'll discover the secrets that separate the successful entrepreneurs from the struggling ones.


There is no required textbook for this course.

Please note: There may be required software or other resources for this course. Please be sure to check the course outline when you first log in to the course.


Please be aware that this course may contain reference to US financial and legal information. To review the course syllabus please click on the link below:

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