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Working With Diversity | CSCM-0133

Students will explore and examine the many layers of diversity that surround individuals and identifiable groups in society and they will see how these many layers contribute to a rich, diverse Canadian cultural landscape. As part of this examination, students will have the opportunity to reflect on their personal attitudes, assumptions and views toward diverse population groups. As a brief introduction, students will begin developing their understanding of diversity by identifying, discussing, and defining core terminology like privilege, cultural competence, and cultural safety, Students will enhance their knowledge and understanding of diversity by looking at origins of differences among various population groups in Canada and by looking at society's attitudes associated with Canadian Regionalism, demographic trends, First Nations peoples, immigration, and various other established minority groups. Also, learners will become aware of government policies and influence on certain segments of Canadian society and its role in dealing with social inequalities. Finally, students will look at and reflect on the media's role in perpetuating stereotypes and swaying personal views of diversity in Canada.

Host Course Code: NO-MH1033
Host Course Name: Working with Diversity


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