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Health Assessment Theory Review For Nurses | CSCM-1483

This course is designed to help the nurse acquire the knowledge and critical skills required to develop and perform a complete health assessment. Assessment of each body system will include transcultural and lifespan considerations. Students will review methods of obtaining and recording a holistic health assessment including a health history, and physical and psychosocial assessments. There will be review of screening tools for the assessment of domestic violence, mental status, nutritional status, and pain. NOTE - there is no lab component to this course.

Host Course Code: LO-HLTH8079
Host Course Name: Health Assessment Theory Review for Nurses


The required text for this course can be found by going to, clicking on the "Browse by course" drop-down list and scrolling to Health Assessment Theory Review for Nurses.

Please Note: Students are not required to purchase textbooks from However, if students are purchasing textbooks from another source, they must ensure purchased textbooks are the correct edition and include any applicable software or add-ons.

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