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Conversational French III | FRE-3003

The progressive acquisition, reinforcement, and creative use of language structures will give the student confidence to self-expression. By analyzing, comparing and applying the French past tenses, the student will have the basic tools to story telling. At this level, the student will be encouraged to express simple and complex sentence structures. Anecdotes by authors from French speaking Canada will serve as models for the final task.

Host Course Code: DU-LANG3982
Host Course Name: French 3


There is no required textbook for this course.

Please note: There may be required software or other resources for this course. Please be sure to check the course outline when you first log in to the course.


A headset or microphone and speakers are required for the oral parts of this course. Students will submit recordings using software such as Jing, YouTube or Windows Media Player. Audio clips are provided in .wma format which is Windows compatible. MAC users will need to convert the files to an appropriate format.

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