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Communication and Customer Service | FSWP-1023

This course focuses on the communication skills required by the food service worker. General principles of human communication such as verbal interaction and listening are explored. Students will learn effective communication skills with patients, residents, co-workers and supervisors. Students will also have the opportunity to develop writing skills and presentation skills with a major emphasis on documenting and charting food intake measuring techniques, communication of therapeutic diets and nutrition support required for treatment.

Host Course Code: LO-HLTH8522
Host Course Name: Communication and the Food Service Worker


There is no required textbook for this course.


PLEASE NOTE: Sections with a Q at the end (e.g. Section 70Q) are 7 week courses. If you wish to take the standard 15 week version of a course, please choose the option without a Q at the end of the section number (e.g. Section 70).

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