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Quantity Food Preparation | FSWP-1143

This course focuses on the cooking principles and methods for preparing food in large quantities. Students will be introduced to control systems used in quantity food production including menu planning, standardized recipes, portion control, forecasting, scheduling and service. Various food types will be examined including sandwiches, salads, desserts, beverages, soups, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, and cheese. Texture modified and special menu items will also be explored. This course emphasizes the importance of quality improvement and customer satisfaction in quantity food production.

Host Course Code: LO-HLTH8523
Host Course Name: Quantity Food Preparation


There is no required textbook for this course.


PLEASE NOTE: Sections with a Q at the end (e.g. Section 70Q) are 7 week courses. If you wish to take the standard 15 week version of a course, please choose the option without a Q at the end of the section number (e.g. Section 70).

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