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Medical Terminology - Level 2 | MDL-1203

This course has been designed for medical office professionals to concentrate on the pronunciation and verbalization of medical terminology that was learned in the first level of Medical Terminology. Students will listen to audio files to learn the pronunciation of medical terms involving all body systems. Assessment of the student's ability to pronounce medical terms will be done through audio files recorded by the student and submitted for evaluation.. Required: speakers, microphone.

Host Course Code: LO-HLTH8067
Host Course Name: Medical Terminology-Level 2 (Pronunciation)


The required text for this course can be found by going to, clicking on the "Browse by course" drop-down list and scrolling to Medical Terminology-Level 2 (Pronunciation).

Please Note: Students are not required to purchase textbooks from However, if students are purchasing textbooks from another source, they must ensure purchased textbooks are the correct edition and include any applicable software or add-ons.

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