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Medical Transcription Fundamentals | MED-1093

This course will enhance the learning achieved in previous and prerequisite courses for medical transcription that students need to enter the field with confidence. Students will experience a practical and effective approach, with follow-up questions in each chapter to promote class discussion and exercises designed to reinforce concepts and procedures. Students will have a conceptual and practical understanding of general medical terms and various medical specialties in a way that is easy to remember. Detailed transcription tips throughout the course will offer useful information and hints, and there is a CD-ROM that includes 10 hours of actual dictation, sample reports, and other data needed to prepare the documents discussed in the text.

Host Course Code: LO-HLTH8154
Host Course Name: Medical Transcription Fundamentals


The required text for this course can be found by going to, clicking on the "Browse by course" drop-down list and scrolling to Medical Transcription Fundamentals.

Please Note: Students are not required to purchase textbooks from However, if students are purchasing textbooks from another source, they must ensure purchased textbooks are the correct edition and include any applicable software or add-ons.

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