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Occupational Health and Safety | OHS-1023

This course introduces participants to the broad and ever-changing field of occupational health and safety, an inherently technical subject area. The multiple dimensions of the various issues--technical, legislative, political, and personal--are a required part of the training for a professional in this field or for someone who is involved with this kind of operation. Major topic areas include the Occupational Health and Safety Act, WCB, WHMIS, transportation of dangerous goods, accident prevention and investigation, physical and biological agents, and the management of Occupational Health and Safety programs

Host Course Code: CN-BUS253
Host Course Name: Occupational Health and Safety


The required text for this course can be found by going to, clicking on the "Browse by course" drop-down list and scrolling to Occupational Health and Safety.

Please Note: Students are not required to purchase textbooks from However, if students are purchasing textbooks from another source, they must ensure purchased textbooks are the correct edition and include any applicable software or add-ons.


Eligible for: Certified Human Resources Professional Designation

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