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Luscious Low-Fat Lightening-Quick Meals | PDFF-1040

Have you ever wished you had a personal chef preparing luscious, low-fat meals for you? This course is the next best thing! You'll learn how to ferret out fat in recipes, and discover how to reduce fat without sacrificing flavour or texture. Explore how to use flavour profiling to expand your culinary horizons. Learn how to prepare casseroles, crock-pot dishes, vegan dishes, oven-fried foods, meat-based meals, and many other entrees that are both nutritious and delicious! You'll discover how to get in and out of the kitchen faster, including tips for grocery shopping, menu planning, food preparation, and quicker cooking. You'll also learn a dietitian's tricks of the trade for encouraging reluctant family members to eat more healthfully. You'll have the chance to try out over 50 exciting and easy lowered-fat recipes for tasty entrees, side dishes, desserts, and garnishes, with each recipe demonstrating a topic that's covered in the lessons.


There is no required textbook for this course.

Please note: There may be required software or other resources for this course. Please be sure to check the course outline when you first log in to the course.

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