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Achieving Success With Difficult People | PDFF-1070

Do you know people whose behaviour makes completing even the simplest tasks difficult?

Would you like to learn how to have more successful relationships with difficult bosses, co-workers, students, neighbours or family members?

Join this class and get helpful information for understanding yourself, solving people problems, and improving your relationships and personal and professional productivity.

ed2go is a global Registered Education Provider for the Project Management Institute (PMI). Registered Education Providers (R.E.P.s) offer programs and courses that are preapproved for professional development units through PMI and have been reviewed by a project management professional (PMP) to ensure that they meet PMI's expectations for professional development in project management.

This program/course is a good choice for those looking for project management experience and those aspiring to obtain a PMI credential. It's also an excellent choice for existing PMI credential holders looking for an approved activity for PMI's continuing certification PDUs.

At the end of this course, you'll receive a certificate indicating your completion of PDUs equal to the number of hours of this course through ed2go, R.E.P. #3213.

Please visit to learn more about PMI's credentials and how they may fit into your continuing education plans.

The Project Management Professional (PMP) is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.


There is no required textbook for this course.

Please note: There may be required software or other resources for this course. Please be sure to check the course outline when you first log in to the course.

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