Meal plans are mandatory for students living in residence and are included in your residence fees. Residents are offered a selection of well-balanced meals in any of the college cafeterias from Monday to Friday. Meals covered by the meal plan include:
- Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner – Monday to Friday
Please Note: Meal plan dollars are tax free. Any amount remaining after Fall Term will roll over automatically into the Winter Term. Any unused portion at the end of the Winter Term will be forfeited. There are no refunds for unused portions.

Special Dietary Needs
If you have any special dietary needs or food allergies, please contact the Chartwells Management. Chartwells can work with you regarding the specifics of your meal plan.
Using your Meal Plan Card
- Using your meal plan card is as simple as walking up to the cashier and presenting the card before ringing anything in. The cashier may ask for photo ID and verify your card is valid.
- All meals and beverages will be tax exempt. Your card cannot be used at vending machines or convenience stores. Dining plans are single user and can only be used for the person registered to the account.
Other Things to Know
Expiry Policy
Your term plan includes tax exempt dining dollars that expire at the end of each term.
The Retail Sales Act stipulates that a tax exempt dining plan must meet certain supply criteria within a specified time period. Not expiring funds, or providing refunds other than official withdrawal could jeopardize the tax exemption status of the plan.
Rollover Policy
Fall term dining dollars can be rolled over to Winter term only with the purchase of a tax exempt plan for second term.
Refund Policy
No refund will be given on the tax exempt dining plan unless a student officially withdraws from Lambton College. In the case of an official withdrawal, a refund will be given on the unused portion of the dining plan with proof of withdrawal. All refunds are subject to a $75 cancellation fee.
Students who move our of residence but remain Lambton College students and still have unused dining dollars will have the value left on their plan converted to a taxable swipe and save card.
After purchasing your meal plan you may increase the value of your plan incrementally.
You can add money to your card in the main cafeteria by using cash, debit, or credit. You can also add money to your card by visiting
The expiry date of the dining plan will remain the same from the date of the original plan agreement and can only be amended if agreed upon and a new agreement is signed.