- Does my high school forward my records onto the Accessibility Centre at Lambton College?
- No. All elementary and high school records are kept at the last school the student attended.
- Who has access to my confidential records?
- Only appropriate staff in the Accessibility Centre can access a student's reports.
- Are there additional services for students with learning disabilities?
- Yes, a learning strategist and assistive device technologist is available to work with students with learning disabilities to provide strategies and to demonstrate specialized software that may be available.
- Will my professors know about my accommodations?
- If the student requires academic accommodations, the student must forward his/her accommodation plan to his/her professors. The student is not required to share diagnostic information with professors.
- Can I access accessibility services during midterms?
- Yes, student can contact the Accessibility Centre at any point in the year to determine their accommodation needs and eligibility requirements.
- If I write tests in the Testing Centre, do I have to write all of my tests there?
- No, a student is not obligated to write all of his/her tests in the Testing Centre.
- What happens if I need to write a test outside regular office hours?
- If given proper advance notification, staff can be available for a test invigilation outside regular office hours.
- What happens to my file when I graduate or leave Lambton College?
- Files are kept for 10 years and then they are shredded.