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Stakeholder Consultation & Engagement

  • The voices and lived-experiences of our key stakeholders helped shape the framework for the Academic Plan. A series of in-depth consultations provided the opportunity to gather a large representation of insights and perspectives from internal and external stakeholder groups.
  • Various consultations took place throughout the process involving students, faculty, staff, administrators, alumni, and industry and community partners.
  • Following these consultations, the Academic Steering Committee identified the main themes and priorities that will be used to produce the final report and plan.

Engaging Our College Community

Faculty and Staff
5 Consultation Sessions
225 Participants
Academic Leadership Team
1 Consultation Session
24 Participants
College Management Team
2 Consultation Sessions
29 Participants
Total Consultation Sessions
8 Consultation Sessions
278 Participants
618 Unique Comments
Faculty Survey
79 Participants
480 Responses
Student Consultations
20 Student Consultation Sessions
388 participants
450 Total Unique Comments
Student Survey
596 Participants
1680 Responses

Engaging Our Industry and Community Partners

Industry and Community Think Tank Session

Involving industry leaders in our consultation process ensures that the academic curriculum stays current and relevant to the evolving demands of the job market. As part of the Academic Planning process, the College hosted an Industry and Community Think Tank event to gather insights into challenges, needs, and workforce demands. The feedback from industry partners provided valuable insights crucial to shaping future-ready academic programs that align with evolving industry needs.

The objective of the Think Tank event was to identify growth opportunities and future industry direction. It was a forum to discuss essential skills that students need to be successful in the workplace. Additionally, the event created opportunities to strengthen our collaboration and partnerships with industry and reaffirmed the priorities of our new Academic Plan.

A campus photo of two students standing in a hallway smiling at an ipad.
The feedback from industry partners provided valuable insights crucial to shaping our programs.


Industry & Community Leaders

Faculty & Staff
