- The planning process took place over an eight-month period and followed a multi-phased framework that emphasized collaboration, engagement, and transparency involving students, administrators, alumni, faculty, staff, industry, and community partners.

Project Phases
May 2023 - June 2023
This phase involved gathering and analyzing information:
- An in-depth review of all relevant internal and external documents.
- Conducted an external environmental scan to identify challenges and opportunities.
- Identified key trends influencing Lambton College and post-secondary education, such as social, political, economic, and technological shifts.
- Discussions with Academic Deans and academic staff regarding their school priorities for the next five years.
June 2023 - August 2023
Key purpose of this phase is to provide a solid foundation of information to kickstart the planning process.
- Finalized the appointment of a diverse steering committee.
- Engaged in eight internal faculty and staff consultations, and administered a faculty survey resulting in over 500 unique responses.
- Conducted six student consultations, administered a student survey, which resulted in 1680 unique responses, held student focus groups, and conducted 14 class visits with approximately 420 student participants.
- Engaged in discussions with a broad range of industry and community leaders and organized an Industry Think Tank event to gather insights into challenges, needs, and workforce gaps.
September 2023 - November 2023
- The Steering Committee analyzed the collected data, drafted key priorities, and established goals for the final Academic Plan.
- Created a draft Academic Plan report to be presented to internal and external stakeholders including the Senior Management Team for feedback.
- The Steering Committee produced the final written Academic Plan report for presentation to the Board of Governors.
November 2023 - January 2024
- The final Academic Plan will be presented to the Senior Management Team incorporating all relevant feedback received during consultations.
- Following approval from the Board of Governors, Academic Deans will develop school-specific Five-Year Operational Plans to align with the Academic Plan.
- Operational Plans will detail strategies, timelines, and expected outcomes for each school.