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2000-1-18 Missed Evaluation

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Associate Vice-President, Student Success
Issue Date May 19, 2022

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.

Lambton College requires that students demonstrate the prescribed learning outcomes within each course through the formal evaluations documented and scheduled on the course outline.

However, in some cases learners may face exceptional circumstances that could prevent completion of evaluations as scheduled.


  1. Lambton College expects students to take a proactive role regarding evaluation completion.
  2. If a student knows in advance that an assessment will be missed, they must submit a Request for Academic Consideration Form through the myLambton student portal at least fifteen business days prior to the scheduled assessment. Examples of grounds for consideration may include:
    1. Varsity athletics
    2. Official events for elected student representatives
    3. Religious observance
    4. Competing Academic Conflict (for example, field trips, conferences, Enactus etc.)
    5. Unavoidable medical procedures
  3. If extenuating circumstances prevent attendance, such as a debilitating physical or psychological event, family emergency, or compelling personal reasons, the student must submit a Request for Academic Consideration process through the myLambton student portal within three working days of the missed examination. In limited circumstances, the severity of the incident may warrant additional time, which shall be granted at the discretion of the Dean or delegate.
  4. Substantiating documentation may be required, with the following caveats:
    1. The request for substantiating medical documentation must be approved by the Dean or delegate. The College will cover the cost of routine medical documentation.
    2. No medical diagnosis may be requested; medical documentation should be limited to verifying that a medical situation prevented attendance and must be dated no later than 24 hours after the deadline or exam.
    3. To protect privacy, documentation should only be accepted through the Academic Consideration process on the Student Portal. No documentation should be accepted or stored by any other media (for example, e-mail or hard copy submission)
  5. Once an examination has been attempted or an assessment submitted, a student can no longer request consideration, except for under the retroactive accommodation grounds described within Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities (2000-9-1) policy.
  6. If a missed evaluation cannot be completed by the time that grades are due, an I or NG grade shall be requested according to Grades & Academic Averages (2000-1-4) policy.
  7. Make-up assessments must assess the same learning outcomes/objectives at the same level of rigour but need not be the same content or modality.
  8. Students who miss a scheduled make-up evaluation or an assignment extension deadline will receive a mark of zero on the evaluation.
  9. Any program or course specific policies or procedures that supplement or deviate from this policy must be documented in the course outline and program guide.
  10. Should a Request for Academic Consideration be unreasonably denied, a student may lodge an appeal as outlined in Appeal of an Academic Decision (2000-1-13) policy.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.