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4000-4-1 College & Campus Emergency Closures

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services
Director, Facilities Management
Issue Date October 19, 1991
Supersedes Date March 31, 2019
Last Review November 17, 2022
Last Revision December 12, 2019

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.


  1. The college is open every day with the exception of the December holidays. From time to time, severe weather or other emergency conditions may arise that may require the closure of the college or a campus.
  2. When the college or campus is closed, the following applies:
    1. Classes, labs and all other activities are cancelled
    2. Meetings and other scheduled events are cancelled or postponed
    3. Tests, examinations, and other evaluations are postponed
    4. Employees, other than those designated as essential, are not required to attend work
  3. In the event of a college or main campus closure, the residence will remain open unless specifically directed to close by the President or designate.
  4. The decision to cancel classes or close the college or campus will be communicated immediately to the college community.
  5. When a decision to close the college or campus has been made, all of the respective college buildings will be secured.


  1. The decision to cancel classes, to close a building, facility and/or campus, is made by the college President in consultation with the Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services, or designate, in consultation with one, or all of the following:
    1. Director, Facilities Management
    2. Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
    3. Associate Dean, Fire School; Dean, Technology & Trades
    4. Manager, Employment Ontario Programs & Community Employment Services
  2. In the event of inclement weather or other emergencies in which large numbers of students may be absent, the college may remain open but with classes, labs and all other activities cancelled and/or tests, examinations and other evaluations postponed. This decision lies with the Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success and the Senior Vice-President, Strategy & Corporate Services, or designates.
  3. Any decision to re-open the college or campus for the balance of the day or the evening should be made and communicated in conjunction with the same individuals as above.

Timing of Closure/Re-Opening Decisions

  1. The decision to close the college or campus may be made at any time in the face of developing circumstances.
  2. The decision not to open the college or a campus on a particular day normally will be made prior to 6 a.m. The decision to close for the evening or to cancel evening classes normally will be made prior to 4 p.m.

Essential Services

  1. Some employee positions may be designated as essential. For the purposes of this policy, essential services are those necessary to enable the college to ensure the health and safety of the college community, preservation or protection of college assets and minimization of environmental damage.
  2. Executive Management is responsible for advising staff within their area of responsibility of their status in providing essential service.
  3. Designated essential employees are required to remain at work or report to work as soon as possible in the event the college or a campus is closed.

Employees Working off College Property during Emergency Closure

  1. Employees working off college property, such as hospitals, clinics, or agencies, will be subject to the decision of those workplaces concerning closure irrespective to the college decision. When those workplaces are closed, employees are expected to report to the college when the college remains open.

Employee Compensation during an Emergency Closure

  1. For matters concerning the compensation of employees arising from the closure of the college or a campus, see the Employee Compensation during an Emergency Closure (3000-2-10) policy.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.