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4000-6-1 Special Event Food Services

Responsible Executive Senior Vice-President, Academic & Student Success
Associate Vice-President, Student Success
Issue Date March 31, 2016
Supersedes Date June 19, 2008
Last Review May 22, 2020
Last Revision May 7, 2020

Upon request, the college will provide a copy of this policy in an alternate format.


  1. The College Food Service Provider has the exclusive contract to provide food service at the College as outlined in the contractual agreement and, therefore, has first right of refusal for providing food and beverages for any function.
  2. Groups who have arranged for the use of space on campus are obliged to obtain their food and refreshment requirements from the College Food Service Provider.
  3. Exceptions to the above statement will be permitted for training and similar academic purposes for students enrolled in programs such as Hospitality Management and Culinary Management, when the program coordinator feels that the activity will be of benefit to the students and the program has the capability to provide the requested services.
  4. The provision of self-prepared food and refreshments, by private or self-catered organizations sponsoring an event, will only be permitted in special cases and must be authorized at the time the event or function is booked.
  5. The College Food Service and Hospitality Facilities in the Lambton College Event Centre are provided by the College primarily for the training of students and for the preparation and distribution of food and refreshments to the College community. Use of the kitchen facilities and equipment in the Lambton College Event Centre by an outside food service provider may be permitted subject to availability and then to contractual conditions established between the College and the food service provider.
  6. Due to health and safety considerations, only a contracted Food Service Provider or students being trained under the guidance of professional College personnel are allowed to use the kitchen facilities and cooking equipment.


  1. Any department or individual wishing to have food served at an event on campus must meet with the appropriate contact (e.g. Chartwells Manager or Manager, Student Housing & Conference Services) to request the food services required and to arrange all details for the event.
  2. Food services being charged to a departmental cost centre must include an account number and be authorized by the Cost Centre Supervisor.
  3. Requests are to be made at least 10 days in advance to ensure that a full menu selection will be available and to confirm that the requested service can be provided as required.
  4. Requests made with lead time of less than 10 days will be provided if possible, however the menu options and schedule of service may be restricted.
  5. If alcoholic beverages are required for a function, the  Bar Services (4000-6-2) policy must be followed.

For questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact the Policy Sponsor by phoning our main line 519-542-7751.