The following policy applies to all new and returning international students who have paid fees to Lambton College.
There are two scenarios in which Lambton College will provide a partial refund of paid fees:
- The student has been denied a visa to study in Canada (Visa Denial); or
- The student has chosen to withdraw (Withdrawal).
Visa Denial
Lambton College will provide a refund of paid fees - less a $250 CAD processing fee - if the student is denied a visa to study in Canada. The student must provide an authentic visa denial letter (IMM 5621) issued by Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). Requests must be submitted to refunds@lambtoncollege.ca within 10 business days of receiving the visa denial letter from IRCC.
Students are eligible to receive a partial refund of paid fees if they choose to withdraw prior to the start or within the first 10 days of the term (see withdrawal deadline by term.) Students will be charged an administrative fee that is calculated in accordance with the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) refund policy.
Refund Requests
Transferring to Another Institution
If a student is transferring to another institution, a partial refund of paid tuition (less the administrative fees) will be processed only if accompanied by the following documents:
- A valid letter of acceptance to a new Designated Learning Institution (DLI) for the same term as accepted to attend at Lambton College. The program level of study must be the same or higher than the one accepted to attend at Lambton College, as determined by the program admission requirements on the institution's public website
- Proof of seat confirmation (e.g. tuition fee receipt) at the new DLI
- A Provincial Attestation Letter (PAL) issued by the new DLI
- An approved study permit to attend the new DLI
Failure to provide these documents before the withdrawal deadline will result in the denial of the request and no refund will be issued. WIthdrawals must be submitted in-person at the Lambton College study location to which you were accepted, on or before the withdrawal deadline.
Transferring to Institutions in Quebec
If the student is accepted to an educational institution in Quebec, a partial refund of paid tuition (less the administrative fees) will be processed only if accompanied by a Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ.) Failure to provide this CAQ document before the withdrawal deadline will result in the denial of the request and no refund will be issued. Withdrawals must be submitted in-person at the Lambton College study location to which you were accepted, on or before the withdrawal deadline.
Returning Home
If the student is returning to their home country, withdrawal requests must be submitted to refunds@lambtoncollege.ca on or before the withdrawal deadline. A partial refund of paid tuition (less the administrative fees) will be processed only if accompanied by the student's flight ticket and passport re-entry stamp.
Discontinuation of Study Plans
If the student discontinues their plan to study in Canada prior to visa submissions, refund requests must be submitted to refunds@lambtoncollege.ca on or before the withdrawal deadline. A partial refund of paid tuition (less the administrative fees) will be processed only if the student's Letter of Acceptance has not been submitted to IRCC for study permit consideration.
Withdrawal Deadline
To maintain partial refund eligibility when withdrawing from a given term, refund requests must be submitted on or before the dates listed below:
- Winter Term (January)
- January 14, 2025
- Spring Term (May)
- May 9, 2025
- Fall Term (September)
- September 8, 2025
Students in subsequent terms (2, 3, or 4) who choose to withdraw are also subject to the administrative fees and withdrawal deadline as described in this policy. Withdrawal requests will only be processed at the conclusion of the student's current academic term.
Lambton College does not approve deferrals. We have limited seats in each program and admissions often close several intakes in advance. Students are expected to register for the intakes in which their seat is confirmed; or, they may withdraw their admission according to this policy.
Refund Method
In compliance with Canada's Anti-Money Laundering policies, fees will be returned to the account from which the funds were originally paid.
Fees paid through:
- Flywire will be returned through their portal to the account from which the funds were originally paid.
- Convera will be returned through their portal to the account from which the funds were originally paid.
- A Canadian bank will be returned to the account from which the funds were originally paid.
Refund Processing Times
Appropriate and warranted refunds will be processed within nine weeks from the date Lambton College has received all documentation required to support the request.
Administrative Fees
The administrative fee is calculated in accordance with provincial regulations and is based on the following formula: (International Tuition/Domestic Tuition) X 500.
The current administrative fee for each program is listed below:
Program Code | Administrative Fee |
ACTG | $2,216.40 |
ADAS | $3,256.49 |
AGBS | $3,256.49 |
AGTS | $2,216.40 |
AHCT | $3,164.58 |
AIMO | $3,256.49 |
AIMT | $3,379.86 |
AMMS | $3,256.49 |
APPS | $2,216.40 |
BACC | $2,216.40 |
BAMM | $3,379.86 |
BAMO | $2,739.53 |
BCAS | $3,125.23 |
BGEN | $2,216.40 |
BINM | $3,164.58 |
BMAN | $2,216.40 |
BMAT | $2,699.65 |
BMHM | $2,699.65 |
BMHR | $2,216.40 |
BMHT | $2,699.65 |
BMIB | $2,216.40 |
BMIM | $2,699.65 |
BSAS | $2,216.40 |
BSNT | $2,699.65 |
BUSN | $2,216.40 |
CCOS | $2,216.40 |
CIAS | $3,256.49 |
CLAB | $2,216.40 |
CPCM | $2,699.65 |
CPCT | $2,699.65 |
CPET | $1,530.59 |
CPEX | $1,530.59 |
CPMS | $3,256.49 |
CPMT | $3,250.70 |
CPRO | $2,216.40 |
CSFM | $3,379.86 |
CTEC | $2,216.40 |
CULX | $1,859.46 |
CYCP | $2,216.40 |
DOCT | $3,379.86 |
DSMM | $3,379.86 |
ECEP | $2,216.40 |
ELTC | $2,134.70 |
ESLT | $1,977.90 |
ESTH | $1,859.46 |
ETIS | $3256.49 |
EWSO | $1,958.35 |
FSDM | $3,379.86 |
FSDS | $3,256.49 |
FSDT | $3,379.86 |
FSIT | $2,798.61 |
FPWO | $2,739.53 |
FPWS | $2851.51 |
FPWT | $3,164.58 |
FSDO | $3,125.23 |
FSQS | $3,256.49 |
FSQT | $3,379.86 |
GBBO | $3,256.49 |
HAMO | $3,125.23 |
HMAN | $3256.49 |
HRMM | $3,164.58 |
HVAC | $2,216.40 |
ICET | $1,958.35 |
ICTN | $2,216.40 |
ICTX | $1,958.35 |
IPGS | $3,256.49 |
LAQT | $3,379.86 |
MMDT | $3,250.70 |
MMMO | $3,125.23 |
MMPT | $3,164.58 |
MNCM | $3,379.86 |
MTIM | $2,216.40 |
OAEX | $2,216.40 |
OAHS | $2,216.40 |
OHSS | $3,256.49 |
OHST | $3,164.58 |
OPTA | $2,216.40 |
PDCT | $2,216.40 |
PETC | $1,530.59 |
PETN | $1,530.59 |
PFND | $2,216.40 |
PHRM | $2,216.40 |
PHTG | $2,216.40 |
PMES | $3,256.49 |
PMIT | $3,164.58 |
PMLM | $3,164.58 |
PMLO | $3,256.49 |
PMLS | $3,256.49 |
PMLT | $3,164.58 |
PSIP | $2,134.70 |
PSWK | $2,216.40 |
QEMS | $3,256.49 |
QEMT | $3,379.86 |
RENT | $2,216.40 |
SBMS | $3,256.49 |
SCMM | $3,164.58 |
SCMO | $3,125.23 |
SCMT | $3,164.58 |
SEBS | $3,256.49 |
SMOM | $3,164.58 |
SQAM | $3,379.86 |
SSWK | $2,216.40 |
TMAN | $2,216.40 |
TMAM | $2,699.65 |
TREC | $2,216.40 |
TREM | $2,387.44 |
TREX | $2,216.40 |
TRPM | $2,699.65 |
WSPP | $2,216.40 |