Autism & Behavioural Science
Professionals looking to enhance their skills when working with people who face learning or behaviour challenges will benefit from this program.
This program is designed for individuals who are looking for a career where every day is an opportunity to change someone's life, who are passionate about helping people achieve their potential, and who see people's unique strengths rather than their limitations.
During this program, students train in the principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA). This scientific approach to human behaviour gives students the skills they need to carefully assess a situation and develop plans that teach new skills and reduce behaviours that get in the way of people being at their best.
Crisis Prevention & Intervention Training
Students are required to successfully complete crisis prevention and intervention training as a condition of graduation. This training is not currently available through Lambton College and must be completed through a third party provider. Students can contact online@lambtoncollege.ca for a list of approved providers.
Admission Requirements
Applicants must possess a recognized diploma or degree in fields such as:
- Developmental Service Worker, Child & Youth Care, Social Service Worker, Early Childhood Educator, Educational Assistant, or similar programs
- A degree in Psychology, Education, Child Studies, Rehabilitation, or similar programs
- Year 1 $4,701.55
Please Note: These fees apply to the 2024-2025 academic year and are subject to change. Fees do not include books (unless specifically noted), supplies or living costs.
OSAP Eligible
This program is OSAP eligible. OSAP is a needs-based Federal and Provincial student loan and grant program that is calculated based on your personal financial situation and the cost of your education expenses. If you are registered as a full-time student (minimum 60% course load), you may qualify for assistance. OSAP does not always provide assistance to cover all of your educational and living costs.
Applications are now open for January 2025 and May 2025 - Apply Today!
Scholarships Available
There are 8 scholarships available for this program, with a total value of $1,000!
Technology Requirements
In order to keep pace with the requirements of each and every course in your program, Lambton College requires that each student have access to a laptop while studying at our college.
Introduction to Applied Behaviour Analysis
Principles of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) are the basis for Intensive Behavioural Interventions (IBI). In addition, to basic terminology students learn when and how to use these techniques appropriately. Students also learn how to access and interpret journal publications in the field of autism and applied behaviour analysis.
Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder
Students will learn about the neurodevelopmental and behavioural aspects of people with autism spectrum disorder, previously labelled as five different syndromes under the autism spectrum disorder umbrella. Students will learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnostics tools, research-based interventions, and will cover autism spectrum disorder from birth to adulthood.
Specialized Instructional Strategies
This course introduces the student to common evidence-based behavioural approaches applied in teaching individuals with autism new skills with an emphasis on strategies for teaching language, academic skills, activities of daily living, play skills, and social skills. Topics will be approached by providing the student with an understanding of the terms used, a description of the teaching techniques characterized in each of the modules (where applicable) and a basic understanding of the conceptual elements motivating the approaches. Topics will include traditional discrete trial training protocols, protocols developed based on Skinner's analysis of Verbal Behaviour, Precision Teaching, Direct Instruction, Pivotal Response Training, Augmentative and Alternative Communication and Incidental and Natural Environment Teaching.
Working with Families & Teens
Theories, terminology, and applications underlying current approaches to teamwork and working with the families of children with autism spectrum disorders are explored. The focus is on effective collaboration with a multi-disciplinary team, which is essential to successful intensive behavioural intervention. Students develop the interpersonal, job-oriented skills necessary to problem-solve as team members in a flexible, empathetic, resourceful, and productive manner.
Ethics & Professionalism
This course will introduce the foundations of ethical thinking and will review the different perspectives and rationale for ethical decision-making within a behavioural framework. Students will be introduced to professional codes of ethics that are essential for ethical practice. They will learn how to think critically and apply general ethical principles to particular situations through the use of case studies, practice vignettes, structured exercises and group discussions. This course will provide participant with the basis for developing ethical guidelines for practice, examining areas related to legislative acts, an overview of the BACB® guidelines of responsible conduct for a behaviour analyst and the ONTABA/ABA standards of practice. Students will also learn how to evaluate their own professional expertise and limitations for ongoing professional development planning.
Online Placement Preparation
Field Placement
This course provides an ongoing set of experiences that will allow students to integrate classroom learning with application in the field. The placement will consist of 140 hours of participation in a setting that uses the principles of ABA for individuals with ASD or other learning/behavioural challenges. The student will develop technical skills through application of the knowledge gained in prerequisite courses. Students will also have the opportunity to observe and practice the ethical application of behavioural principles/techniques. Please Note: Registration in this placement is only open to students who have registered in the co-requisite courses. If you are ready to start your placement, please contact the Online Education Office at Onlineplacement@lambtoncollege.ca to begin the registration process.
Behavioural Skill Building
A comprehensive review of procedures for choosing and organizing curriculum for students with autism of various ages. Students review basic behaviour principles and teaching strategies. Emphasis is placed on curriculum development such as the utilization of the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills (ABLLS). Curriculum development is discussed with an emphasis on speech and language, social and play skills, personal care skills, and inclusion into less restrictive environments.
Treating Challenging Behaviours
The student will be introduced to a variety of procedures used to assess and treat challenging behaviours presented by individuals with autism / Autism Spectrum Disorder. The topics covered will include functional behavioural assessment and functional analysis and scientifically validated techniques for the treatment of challenging behaviours, e.g., stereotypy, pica, aggression, self-injury, etc. Emphases will be placed on ethical considerations such as the utilization of the least intrusive, least restrictive model and "effective treatment". Techniques covered will include antecedent control strategies, schedules of reinforcement, extinction, differential reinforcement strategies, social stories, desensitization procedures, and decelerative procedures.
Parent & Staff Training
This course introduces the student to techniques for training others specifically to implement behaviour change plans (technology transfer). Students will learn and practice techniques for individual and group presentation formats for the training of families or professionals. Students will also learn how to maintain procedural integrity, use performance feedback, evaluate the effects of training, and understand the challenges that may impact before, during and after mediator training. Emphasis will be placed on in-class presentations and role-play practice.
Transition Planning & Implementation
Students must learn to assist in planning and mediating transitions for children with ASD within and across home, school and community settings. Topics include models for effective transition planning, assessment and evaluation, understanding differing perspectives on transitions within and across environments, developing collaboration and relationships with parents and professionals, understanding transition practices and relevant legislation, and practice in the use of transition assessment and evaluation tools.
Non-Violent Crisis Prevention
This course is now taken directly through the Criss Consultation Group. https://www.crisisconsultantgroup.com/courses/cris is-prevention-and-intervention-training/ Upon successful completion, students will be able to download a certificate of completion. Students will need to complete a transfer credit request via myLambton to demonstrate completion of this course. This certification course is designed to teach the skills and techniques of crisis prevention & intervention to the human service professional. This is a hands-on experiential course where the required skill will be taught through role plays and exercises. Students will learn how to respond appropriately to defuse the anger and/or frustration in the disruptive individual.
Field Placement (Six Weeks)
This course provides an ongoing set of experiences that will allow students to integrate classroom learning with application in the field. The placement will consist of 210 hours of participation in setting that uses the principles of ABA for individuals with ASD or other learning/behavioural challenges. The student will further develop technical skills through application of the knowledge gained in prerequisite courses. In addition to implementing a further range of intervention plans, students will be required to critically evaluate ongoing interventions within the placement site. Students will continue to have the opportunity to observe and practice the ethical application of behavioural principles / techniques. Please Note: Registration in this placement is only open to students who have successfully completed the pre-requisite courses and registered in the co-requisite courses. If you are ready to start your placement, please contact the Online Education office at onlineplacement@lambtoncollege.ca to begin the registration process.
Have Questions?
If you have any questions about our online programs, the courses offered, the registration process, or any other Online Education related questions, reach out to us.
Online Education
Program Information
After Graduation
Employment Opportunities

Our graduates qualify for employment as instructor therapists with regional providers of the Ontario Autism program, private providers of ABA therapy to families, under the supervision of licensed psychologists or Board Certified Behaviour Analysts, within school boards to deliver programs for children with autism and other learning and behavioural challenges, within health care settings and other service agencies as staff with behavioural expertise and knowledge related to autism.

Finding Placements
Students are required to arrange their own field placement opportunity.
Students must contact onlineplacement@lambtoncollege.ca at least six months in advance of their desired placement start date.
Passport to Placement Clearance
Students heading out on placement are required to complete the Passport to Placement clearance process before heading into a facility. Students considering this program should be aware that there are field and clinical placement requirements. Placement facilities may require students to have proof of certain vaccinations and police record checks.
Once you've applied, you can log in to mylambton.ca and view the program-specific Field & Clinical Placement Requirements. If you need information about these requirements before applying, please contact onlineplacement@lambtoncollege.ca.
How to Register for Placement
The Autism & Behavioural Science field placement consists of two field placement courses. Field Placement I includes 140 hours and Field Placement II includes 210 hours. Registration is valid for a set period of time, and placement hours must be completed within the provided time frame.
It is advised that students work out a schedule with their placement provider that is beneficial to both the student and clinical provider.
The following steps must be completed before students begin the process of finding a field placement:
- Students must receive a passing grade in all prerequisite courses or be registered in the final term of courses before registering for field placement - please be aware that instructors have three weeks from the end of the term to post final grades.
- Contact the Online Placement department at onlineplacement@lambtoncollege.ca to begin the placement process six months prior to the desired placement start. Students will be required to meet specific requirements to be eligible to participate in placement.
More Information
Prepare for Success
Variations due to Section
Remember to review the important dates associated with this program - some deadlines may be different depending on how your program is delivered and what section you're enrolled in.
Technology Requirements
It is recommended that students purchase a laptop with a Windows operating system.
Internet Speed Requirements
For best performance for students learning remotely, an internet connection with a minimum of 40 Mbps download and 10 Mbps upload speed is recommended in order to effectively use video conferencing and remote lecture delivery software as well as, other online resources remotely. Due to the large area over which students may be dispersed, we are unable to recommend a specific provider, so you will need to inquire around your area to find one that best suits your needs.
Minimum Laptop Requirements
In order to access the internet and virtually-delivered software and courseware, student laptops should include the following at a minimum. By meeting the following specifications, students will be equipped to access software and courseware on their laptop through the internet:
- Intel i5 8th Gen Processor or equivalent
- 16 GB of RAM (with a minimum of 8 GB)
- 100 GB HDD or more
- HD Graphics
- Webcam with a microphone
- Wireless 802.11n/ac 5ghz capable
- Windows Operating System (Windows 11)
Please note that Chromebooks and MacBooks may not support all software required for your program; students should verify compatibility with their professors.
To ensure students are getting the most our of their classroom experience, some software will be required.
Lambton College has made this software easily accessible online. Students can leverage our Microsoft Office 365 software packages and services. In addition, much of the software you require for your courses will be available on demand for use on any device - on or off campus.