What is the Care Passport Portal?
The Care Passport Portal allows you to centralize your human resources orientation training records so you can easily share them with employers in the long-term care system.
Within this portal, you will be able to:
- Maintain your orientation training compliance
- Register for new training and annual renewals
- Download reports to provide to current and new employers
What Role does Lambton College Play?
Lambton College is a training provider for the long-term care orientation micro-credentials.
Once you create a portal account and have your training approved by your long-term care employer, you will take your orientation courses through Lambton College. We provide the student support for this training, the curriculum, and the completion certificate.
Create a Portal Account
If you are working in long-term care and require orientation training, set up your portal account today.
Portal & Course Access
Help Navigating the Portal or Micro-Credentials
If you require assistance with creating an account, registering for courses, or managing retakes, you can always visit our How-To Pages. We have documented the process step by step to help you access the portal and complete your training.
Visit How-To PagesRetake Information
If you are required to take a retake you can use the following links to register and pay for retakes.
Please do not register for courses that are to be paid by your employer through this website. If your employer is paying for your courses, please register in the portal.
Recognize Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Principles in the Care Environment
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to culturally sensitive care for clients and families from various cultures, ethnicities, and religions. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to recognize potential sources of discrimination such as mental illness, socioeconomic status, race, religion, gender identity, and disability; and recognize how empathy and self-reflection can assist in creating inclusivity. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Navigate the PointClickCare System in the Care Environment
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to the PointClickCare software environment. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to successfully log into the system and navigate through the Electronic Health Record; construct an electronic health record; use effective password protection for the PPC account; and generate PHIPA-compliant communication on the PCC Bulletin Board. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Use the Point of Care Documentation Module of PointClickCare System in Long-Term Care
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to Point of Care (POC) module of PointClickCare software environment. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to navigate the Point of Care (POC) module of PointClickCare software environment; enter data so that "as experienced" care interactions are accurately documented; and understand the importance of completing this documentation requirement. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Interpret RAI and MDS in Long-Term Care
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to assessment of clients in Long Term Care, Home Care, Mental Health Care and for Home and Continuing Care. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to recognize the acronyms used in the MDS language; demonstrate introductory knowledge of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) and the Minimum Data Set (MDS); and understand the assessment time spans known as "look back" periods. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Develop Care Plans - Long-Term Care
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to the documentation requirements for care plans defined by the Ministry of Long-Term Care. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to individualize a resident care plan; understand Focus, Goal, and Intervention as they relate to a plan of care; identify the difference between behaviours of daily living (BDL) and mood; navigate care planning for the resident safety, hearing, communication, and vision aspects; and recognize the various disciplines that contribute to elements of the care plan. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Utilize Mobility Equipment Safely in the Care Environment
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to the safe utilization of mobility equipment in the care environment. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to identify different types of mobility equipment commonly used in long-term care; understand the safe set up and handling of mobility aides by residents and by employees; and properly sanitize mobility equipment. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Recognize and Operate Mechanical Lifts in the Care Environment
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to the use of basic types of lifting equipment such as mechanical lifts and transfer machines, ROHO cushions, slider sheets, and slings. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to choose the correct type of equipment; and understand how to operate the equipment safely when repositioning, lifting, and transferring a resident. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Recognize and Respond to Emergency Codes
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to emergency and safety planning in the long-term care environment. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to recognize regulatory requirements for emergency planning in Long-Term Care Homes; differentiate between the types of internal and external emergencies in long-term care; apply teamwork to emergency planning and preparedness; and recognize emergency codes and respond accordingly. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Identify Fire and Safety Equipment in Long-Term Care
This online, competency based micro-credential introduces learners to fire and safety equipment and its use in long-term care. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to identify and use fire and safety equipment commonly used in Long Term Care and Retirement home settings, including fire extinguishers, fire pull stations, annunciator panels, emergency outlets, and the med-sled stair evacuation system. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Adhere to Consent and Privacy Guidelines in the Care Environment
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to consent and privacy legislation and guidelines in the care environment. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to contribute to an environment that supports consent for care; ensure compliance with the Health Care Consent Act and Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA); and recognize the consequences for violations of PHIPA. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Apply Residents Bill of Rights in the Care Environment
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to the Ontario Resident's Bill of Rights and the Canadian Human Rights Code. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to apply the Resident's Bill of Rights to the provision of care in a long-term care environment. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Recognize Safe Conditions for Transfers and Lifts in the Care Environment
This hands-on competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to the necessary conditions for safe transfers and lifts. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to recognize the importance of good back care while practicing correct lifting techniques; differentiate between a transfer and lift as it relates to resident care; recognize the importance of good body mechanics; and consult the applicable legislation for reference to worker safety. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Apply WHMIS in the Care Environment
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to the specific applications of WHMIS in long term care. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to identify symbols associated with Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)/Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and their general locations in the long-term care home; recognize chemical hazard symbols; and identify general hazard locations in a long-term care home. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Recognize Occupational Health and Safety Rights and Obligations in the Care Environment
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to Occupational Health and Safety rights and obligations in a long-term care environment. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to recognize the roles and responsibilities of employees, supervisors, and employers in the care environment; understand employees' rights to refuse work under hazardous conditions; recognize the types of hazards in the workplace; analyze different methods to deal with and report hazards; and consult relevant legislation for worker health and safety. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Promote Employee-Focused Health and Wellness in the Care Environment
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to the promotion of employee-focused health and wellness in the care environment. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to understand the differences in smoking laws as they apply to residents vs. employees; understand employee assistance programs; understand employees' attendance and sickness reporting responsibilities; and understand employers' responsibilities related to employee health and well-being. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Recognize the Importance of Immunizations in the Care Environment
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to the importance of vaccinations and the role that they play in the protection of residents and employees in the long-term care setting. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to recognize the benefits of mandatory flu shots for everyone in a long-term care home; recognize Tamiflu as the alternative for the flu shot; understand policies that define working limitations for those not immunized against the flu; and adhere to relevant legislation. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Recognize Immunization Requirement for Employees Working in Long-Term Care
This competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to mandatory vaccinations and health screenings required for employment in the long-term care setting. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to understand the screening procedure for Tuberculosis mandated by Public Health Ontario; and identify the optional immunizations recommended for persons working in long-term care, including Hepatitis B and Tetanus. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Use PPE to Prevent Infection in Long-Term Care
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to prevent the spread of infectious disease. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to recognize the correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); recognize proper hand-washing techniques at the correct points of care; identify measures required in an outbreak situation; and identify the chain of transmission and the potential solutions to mitigate the spread of infections. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Use Strategies to Prevent Infection in the Care Environment
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to infection prevention procedures for laundry service in long-term care. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to understand safe handling of soiled linen and personal clothing for both infection prevention and worker safety; and consult relevant legislation. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Use Infection Prevention Procedures in Laundry Service in Long-Term Care
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to infection prevention procedures for laundry service in long-term care. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to understand safe handling of soiled linen and personal clothing for both infection prevention and worker safety; and consult relevant legislation. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Reinforce Mandatory Program Requirements for Individual Care in Long-Term Care
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to the elements required to successfully implement the mandatory programs required under the Fixing Long-Term Care Act and Regulations. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to recognize the elements of effective programs for bowel and bladder continence, skin and wound care, responsive behaviours, fall prevention, and pain assessment. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Reinforce Mandatory Program Requirements for Limiting Organization Risk in Long-Term Care
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to their role in ensuring compliance with mandatory program requirements under the Fixing Long-Term Care Act. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to recognize documentation and care requirements for restraint and Personal Assistive Safety Device use; identify the elements of a restorative care program; identify the purpose and focus areas of a risk management plan; and recognize the process for dealing with resident and family concerns and complaints. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Support Compliance with Legislated Policies and Procedures in Long-Term Care
This online, competency-based micro-credential gives learners an overview of quality monitoring under the Fixing Long-Term Care Act (FLTCA). After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to understand why and how inspectors investigate long-term care homes; recognize the relationship between home policy and legislative requirements; and consult and ensure compliance with relevant legislation. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Identify and Report Resident Abuse in Long-Term Care
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to the process for identifying and reporting resident abuse. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to identify the different types of abuse; recognize the duty to report abuse under the law; and recognize the consequences, under the law, of a failure to report abuse. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Address Workplace Violence in the Care Environment
This competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to identifying and responding to workplace violence in the care environment. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to define Workplace violence; report workplace harassment following care home guidelines; understand how to reduce violent incidents using specific approaches in threatening situations caused by a resident; obtain their Vulnerable Sector Check and Police Clearance Certificate; and refer to relevant legislation. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Lift and Transfer Residents with and without Assistive Devices in Long-Term Care
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to proper techniques for lifting and transferring residents with and without assistive devices. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to demonstrate proper techniques for: one-person transfers using a transfer belt; two-person transfers with a mechanical device; three-person transfers and lifts; and bed and wheelchair mobility of a resident. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Lift Heavy Objects and Assist with Resident Transfer in Long-Term Care
This online, competency-based micro-credential introduces learners to proper lifting techniques for assisting with resident transfers and moving heavy objects. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to Identify risk factors and control measures for musculoskeletal disorders; demonstrate proper lifting technique to ensure prevention of back injury; and demonstrate one-person and two-person transfers. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
Don and Doff PPE in the Care Environment
This online, competency based micro-credential uses online and hands-on instruction to introduce learners to infection precaution posters used in long-term care; and proper techniques for donning and doffing PPE. After successful completion of this micro-credential, the learner should be able to identify the various infection precaution posters used in long-term care; identify when to don personal protective equipment (PPE); and demonstrate the correct order of donning and doffing PPE. Please Note: Lambton College is an English-only institution. The course-specific content and assessments in this micro-credential are provided in French in order to make this material as accessible as possible to French-speaking learners. All of the general content in this micro-credential, as well as all Lambton College technical support, student services, web pages, policies, and documentation, are provided in English only. Lambton College is not able to provide documents, instruction, or support in French.
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D2L & Micro-Credential Course Questions
This project is a joint collaboration between Lambton College, Vision'74 Inc., and the LTC Facilities Operators Group of Sarnia-Lambton. The project is funded by the Province of Ontario through the Micro-Credential Challenge Fund.